I'm only happy when it rains

Well, I'm always saying that we shouldn't need to protect people from themselves, but should let them cheerfully lemming their way off of cliffs. But, apparently the theory that democracy means that the people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard, is not wholly untrue. PErhaps those of us with actual functioning brains need to... well... Anyway, the Freedom Forum, a media think-tank, recently polled a group of random Americans, and discovered that while they agree with the First Amendment in principle, at least half to a full three quarters were opposed to pretty much any specific instance of its use that you could name. And while surveys are even worse than statistics on the 'damned lies' scale, something about this seems, well, appro... hmm, wait a minute, we're getting a script correction.
Guten Morgen, meine Damen und Herren. This surly, disrespectful column has now been replaced by one which more appropriately upholds the rigid community standards of Das Reich.

[Sound effects: Canned "Seig Heil!"s.]

In ze name of balancing the disrespect towards the industries that have made our Fatherland the most powerful country in the world, we--

[Sound effects: Canned "Seig Heil!"s.]

Stop that! Ahem. We now report on the weak will of the soft and foolish Apple Computers, which has changed its mind four times over the past two days over wether it will, or will not, honor orders placed for high-speed G4 machine, the export of which is punishable by death--

[Sound effects: Canned "Seig Heil!"s.]

Will you STOP THAT?! Ahem. Regardless, this foolish and weak attitude proves that Apple Computer is unworthy of existance, and possibly has already been infiltrated by communist child pornographers out to undermine our glorious Reich! We must strike now! We mus--

[Sound effects: Canned "Seig Heil!"s.]

Right! That's enough! Die, die, you foolish canned sound machine!

Dragonball Z: "Transformed at Last"

Alternate title: "About Damn Time".

We open with everyone crawling out of the raging surf, hanging around, laughing, and generally being extremely relieved that the fight's over, and the good guys won. Krillan panics a little as he finally faces the prospect of having to go retrieve Bulma, who will no doubt be even more surly than before.

Meanwhile, in the Next Dimension, Our Three Dead Heroes blast the heck out of the Ginyu Force, hurling them from King Kaiou's little world down into Purgatory, where they get stuck and can't get out. Well, perhaps we've finally seen the last of them. King Kaiou reveals that he brought the Ginyu Force here on purpose, to further Our Heroes' training, and is surprised by how easily the villains were defeated.

Meanwhile, back on Namek, absolutely no-one except Our Heroes is surprised as Frieza returns, battered and wounded and really pissed, but alive. No longer in the mood to play around, Frieza cuts his banter short and cripples Piccolo with a blast to the chest with no effort at all. Goku yells at Gohan and Krillan to take Piccolo, get to the ship, and run, but they hesitate, and Frieza, having finally gotten serious, levitates Krillan into the air and detonates him. And now, Goku gets Very Pissed Off. (Somewhere, Vegeta is no doubt saying, "Gee, thanks for nothing, you jerk.") Lightning flashes and power builds as Goku's rage at seeing his childhood friend so casually detonated becomes truly transcendant. Finally, some barrier is crossed, and Goku 'transforms', which seems to merely entail his hair turning golden and becoming more spiky. Frieza, meanwhile, just sits there like Johnny Bench, although, really, the heroes sat around while HE transformed, so perhaps he's just returning the favor. Goku gets pissed off at Gohan for sticking around, and yells at his son to take Piccolo and leave. Gohan, in a sudden and unexpected attack of intelligence, does so, heading to retrieve Bulma and get the heck out of dodge.

Next: Goku has finally become a Super-Monkey, and given us hope of actually seeing the end of Frieza sometime this year.

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