Knife the baby

Let's describe a little scenario, bearing in mind that this does not, in any way, shape, or form, reflect any situation at my current place of employment. Doesn't, doesn't, doesn't. Yes, that's right, it DOES NOT reflect any situation at my place of employment. Really. Would I lie?


Let's say you have two companies, for the sake of example, Microsoft and Apple. Let's say, one day, Microsoft says, gosh, we shouldn't waste all our time competing with Apple. Maybe we should just slip them some money, do some kind of buyout slash merger thing and take advantage of the fact that they have more people with them who aren't idiots, whereas we have the massive management necessary to guide those non-idiots into working on our stupid projects.

Gosh, says Apple. We could probably use the money. Maybe we could then offer some more stock or something.

Oh, shitski, say Apple's non-management employees. We're fucked, aren't we.

No, no, comes the reassurance. We're sure that Microsoft has all of our best interests in mind, and that all of our current products will continue their development cycles as planned.

A short time passes.

Shortly, someone from Microsoft sidles over to someone at Apple and remarks, you know, since we're giving you all this money, I ought to point this out. We've got this thing called Windows Media. You've got this thing called Quicktime. It's making us look bad, and besides, it's a duplication of effort if we're going to cooperate. And we DO want to cooperate, don't we?

Hmm, says Apple. Gosh, you know, you're right.

And so the sneakernet memo went out across the land, that management would ignore the existance of Quicktime, no matter how much the customers begged and grovelled for it, no matter how much money they offered, until it withered and died, all in the interest of money and stock options for all.

Obviously this was not what actually happened with Microsoft and Apple, but it could have. Aren't we all glad that this is just a story, and not reflecting on any actual reality?

Damn New Media fuckwits.

Oop! Sorry, that just slipped out.

Dragonball Z: "Captain Ginyu... The Toad?"

Note to producers of DBZ: Not spoiling the action of the episode in the title sequence is generally considered to be a good thing. You morons.

Cap'n Ginyu, in Goku's body, having just received a royal beating at the hands of Vegeta, now prepares to swap bodies with the Saiyan noble. But Goku (in Ginyu's body) realizes what's going on and jumps into Vegeta's path at the last moment, causing Ginyu to swap with him instead, and dumping them both back into their proper bodies.

Everyone stands around a bit trying to figure out what just happened, until Vegeta finally clues in that Ginyu is back in his old body.

Goku manages to get up, before Vegeta can go charging at the Captain again like a big idiot and leave himself open for the body-swap, and proceeds to shakily fire off his "Kameameha" attack, missing pathetically and obliterating another random chunk of Namek scenery. Vegeta rolls his eyes and leaps into battle, dodging behind Cap'n Ginyu as the Captain attempts to body-swap, and then proceeding to pop open a truly enormous can of whup-ass.

This continues for a while.

Finally, it becomes clear to Goku that Cap'n Ginyu is leading Vegeta on, trying to set up another body-swap attack. Vegeta, like a moron, charges right into the set-up.

Meanwhile, Gohan and Krillan practice their Johnny Bench impressions.

Goku seizes on the only thing available to him, a Namekian frog, and hurls it between Vegeta and the Captain to interrupt the swap, with the obvious result that Cap'n Ginyu swaps bodies with the frog.

Vegeta spends a moment staring in shock as Cap'n Ginyu's body ribbits and goes hopping off.

Gohan and Krillan help Goku up, while Vegeta torments the Ginyu-frog some, before idly remarking that he could easily obliterate the three Earth heroes. Goku replies that Vegeta wouldn't, because he needs their help against Freeza, which Vegeta admits, then orders Gohan and Krillan to carry Goku inside Freeza's ship, so that he can be fixed up. Gohan and Krillan are somewhat unwilling to trust Vegeta again, but Goku persuades them to, and the party makes its way into the depths of Freeza's flagship.

Meanwhile, Freeza continues pounding on Naihl, while Dende continues flying towards Our Heroes. We've seen this part already. Yeesh.

Vegeta leads the group into the ship's medical bay (over the bodies of the slaughtered security red-shirts), whereupon Goku spots a syringe and completely panics (his one true fear being needles, apparently). Vegeta rolls his eyes and remarks that he's not going to give Goku an injection, which calms the Saiyan warrior, then they stuff Goku into a healing tank to, well, heal for a bit.

Vegeta takes Krillan and Gohan off to the armory to get them cleaned up and outfitted, giving them armor vests and suits like he and the others of Freeza's forces use. Krillan complains about the flared shoulder guards, which causes Vegeta to surl about how this isn't a fashion show. Krillan then decides he should probably run off to Guru's to try and get the password so that they can make their wishes, and insists that Gohan stay behind to watch over Goku. Vegeta, meanwhile, looks a bit ill, perhaps having an allergic reaction to the bad dubbing. Or is it a plot point? Only time will tell!

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