Subtle, yet irritating

Well, we've got a big bundle of miscellany today. First off, Tallahassee's loveable guardian of rectitude, Costume Boy, seems to have gone a bit weird. Lately, he's been seen dressing in such fashions as "viking raider", complete with perky female sidekick. But yesterday he chose bright, primary colors. Or color. In this case, yellow. Big yellow hat, yellow shorts, yellow and white shirt, yellow boots, white cape with yellow smiley face on it. Oookay.

Secondly, I nearly ran into an old friend from high school the other day. Missed 'er by half an hour or so while I was out at the 'feed lot', aka Golden Corral, the all-you-can-snork buffet of doom. It's always nice to hear from people I know, even if high school was long ago, and in another life. Now if she'll just check her bloody email more often...

I say this as a hint, because SOME people are reading my journal from my old home of North Carolina. Don't think I don't see y'all doing it. It's no use trying to hide. Don't make me spend the effort to find out who y'all are, there. Regardless, if you are, or know, Carrie, tell her to check her email already. Several days is an eternity in the Internet World(tm, pat pend). Mutter, mutter, mutter, slacker, mutter...


What else? The CIA officially revealed that yes, they did indeed have an 'X-Files' like investigation into UFO sightings and such, complete with The Investigating Agent Who Really Believes and the Boss Who Thinks It's Complete Crap And Tries To Get In The Way. Most conspiracy theories are most likely spawned from people noticing the CIA wriggling about trying not to admit it's investigating anything paranormal when pretty plainly they're actually doing it. That does seem to be a theme of this particular decade, doesn't it - better to just admit it outright than wriggle around trying to avoid what everyone knows is the truth.

You can't handle the-- oops. Sorry. Reflex.

And for reading material this week, we have the 2nd volume of parodies of the "barbarian swordswoman" genre, which is naturally written almost entirely by women, since they're the only ones who can get away with amusing stories about women in chainmail undergarments. See also "squeals of feminist outrage". Amusing, yet humorous, it's Did you say CHICKS?!, stories about the Women who Slay Too Much (and the Men who Prudently Get Out of the Way).

I don't think we can blame Canada for this one.

Rant 'o the day contains no additives, preservatives or small woodland creatures of any kind. Use only as directed. Do not expose to direct sunlight. Do not fold, spindle, multilate or remove identifying tags. Handle with care. Contains less than 3% milk fat by weight, not by volume. Squeeze the lemon.