Hoopy frood

A slight note: I've been informed that my level of poetic license on the previous day's babble exceeded the normal level of tripe to which regular readers will have, by now, become accustomed. Namely, the nooklear bit. Which might have come off as rather negative, which shows what happens when you let someone babble on like that. On the other hand, it's my journal, and that means never having to say you're wrong. Er, never having to say I'm wrong, I mean. Saying other people are wrong is to be expected and, in fact, encouraged.

But on to the week's comics.

Tommorow Stories #1
Random vignettes of a retro nature! Mmm... it's retro-riffic! There's nothing really to mock about a love of all things old, so we'll move on to ...
Deadpool #32
So far, we've built up this vill...er, anti-hero as a sort of reformed completely insane guy whose schitck is that he's surly and babbles happily away as he's gutting people. "Less talk! More bleeding..." Then there was something about his wife coming back from the dead... Deadpool was married to a dead lady? Well... there's something there, I think... Anyway, now we've got something with an extremely powerful magic dude who's... um, I'm not sure. I think this is supposed to be a big mindfuck episode, but really, it just comes off as extremely confusing. Which is always a danger. But it's not as bad as...
Wild Thing #1
Hmm! Another alternate future thing from Marvel with the daughter of Wolverine, a high school girl with the power of bad dialog and psionic blade thingies? And stock plot #3(a), as Wild Thang...er, Thing has a Rival at school who she ends up saving from a supervillain. This is the best they could come up with? It's not necessarily bad, it's just tripe.
Finals #2
The film student main character angsts about his girlfriend's fanatical cultists, even while planning his evil film project that will win him a glorious diploma. Meanwhile, his room-mates continue their own projects, looking into a career in super-villainy ("The coffee bandit!"), panicking over the fact that a freak accident with a time machine has created a major paradox, and reverting to an ape, respectively. And meanwhile, the Dean pulls strings. Mmm. It's evil-riffic.
Birds of Prey #10
Some villains learned of the magic of orbital bombardment last issue, and their government is none too happy about it, as Oracle and Black Canary learn that they've been set up for a fall, having freed a mad scientist and an alien schmuck from some forgotten Guy Gardner retcon. Oh, and started a war, as Oracle got that orbital bombardment magic by hacking into the Defense Department. Whups!
Pantheon:Ancient History #1
Two surly, badass superheroes against a surly Mexican god and his equally surly followers. What more could you want? Fluff, but pretty good fluff.
The Authority #5
A horde of supervillains with ties to Jenny Sparks' past attack Los Angeles! Again. There's only one solution to all this, and that's for the next arc of this book to ALSO involve a horde of invaders attacking Lod Angeles. "What? Again?!" Well, it's better than Marvel's "What? There are other cities besides New York?" problem...
Neon Genesis Evangelion: Part 4 Volume 6
Scheme-o-riffic as Misato tries to press Asuka's buttons to get her to train properly in preparation for the upcoming mission. Instead, she just makes Asuka really, really surly... but eventually Asuka is convinced to get with the program, even though the plan involves working real closely with Shinji (who's still in "Huh? What? Um?" mode). Still keeping with the general flow of the anime, this episode merely shows the same sort of events, if not the exact same thing. Asuka the Girl of Surl is portrayed a bit more sympathetically and seems to be more proactive, too. So maybe the manga won't follow the anime plotline that resulted in Asuka being driven loony. Or not.

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