So the Maples formed a Union, and demanded equal rights - the Oaks are just too lofty, we will *make* them give us light

News flash - Marines un-clench a little! Apparently there's a new head of the Marines, who's advancing the position that, hey, just because they're total bad-asses doesn't mean that they have to be quite as hard-line as they are now. Why, just think how much more bad-ass they'd be if they spent the time they normally spend on inspections on, say, training... Gosh. Just when you thought "military intelligence" was a true oxy-moron. Ah, well. Necessity is the mother of invention, after all, and with the difficulty the military has obtaining and keeping personnel these days, I suppose relaxing in certain areas might be a good plan indeed...

In other news, I got in a VCD from Singapore today (the lengths one goes to for anime...) A lot of these are pirate VCDs... and, well, this one might well be, too. On the other hand, it's not something that's been released in the 'States, so I won't lose any sleep over it (not that I would anyway). Mmm... Macross 7: The Movie. Mmm... anime.

What else? Comics, really. This week's were such pearls of glorious writing as "The Knights of the Dinner Table/FAANS Crossover Special" (what happens when you mix two groups of completely insane fen? Will the Real Roleplayers in the group end up seducing each other? Will the Wargamers end up in a duel to the death? Will the two groups villains end up foiling each others' plans? Just how embarassed CAN the FAANS' diminuative manga artist sidekick girl look? Such a glorious mix can only end in one way - with everyone in jail glaring at each other. "I'm telling you, you shouldn't have bitten that cop..." "But he tried to confiscate my *dice*, man. My *dice*.")

Also, "Thunderbolts #30", which packs much storyline into a tight little package, and also includes Moonstone saying "You know, the good thing about having a mental construct for a costume is that I can make it go away whenever I want..." Eek! You shameless thing. Put some pants on!

Also, the Big Book 'o Manga that is Animerica Extra (motto: "Only 50% smeg!"). Some Gunsmith Cats (where Minnie-May, the book's sidekick, has her past delved into; this is not necessarily a good thing...). And a steaming pile of awfulness from DC Comics entitled "The L.A.W.". Eeegh. Make... the... hurting... *stop*...

At least I didn't buy that Galactus thingie, which looked just too painful for words.

Of course there's a Galactus thingie. Just because the whole concept of Galactus has been ruthlessly strip-mined by Marvel comics over many years doesn't mean they can't retell the same darn plotlines one more time. There's *money* involved, man. *Money*.

Also, today I am at work, because there are bugs to be fixed. Which is okay, since it's hot, humid, rainy and generally miserable outside. Being in the nice, climate-controlled computer area is just dandy as far as I'm concerned...

I had a rant about something, but I honestly don't remember what it was. Maybe it'll come back to me tomorrow. Hup.

Rant 'o the day contains no additives, preservatives or small woodland creatures of any kind. Use only as directed. Do not expose to direct sunlight. Do not fold, spindle, multilate or remove identifying tags. Handle with care. Contains less than 3% milk fat by weight, not by volume. Squeeze the lemon.