Wretched hives of scum and villainy

Well, it was either browse through some Klingon porn or go see the South Park movie, and the movie eventually won out. How could a naive, innocent person like me resist the corrupting tug of that horrible, blasphemous, foul-mouthed, evil movie? The media made me go! I couldn't help myself! I've become impure!

But enough sarcasm. Wow. Now that was one damn foul little movie, but it was pretty damn hillarious despite that. The musical numbers! So... darn... catchy! What more can you possibly say? What can you add to a movie of such grandeur, such scale, such surly disregard for all that's good and right in the world? The disrespect! The rebellion! The demonstration of the hypocricy of the moral crusade! The naughtiness! The wanton slaughter! The maligning of those darn Canadians!

That movie has warped my fragile leetle mind. No longer will I be able to enjoy good, wholesome Canadian humor without a certain song running through the back of my mind. Curse you, South Park movie! Currrssseee yoooouuu!!

It marked a nice counterpoint to the fact that I spent the entirety of Saturday playing Civilization. Mmm... nooklear.

And then? Then I went over to my parents house and watched more movies, the good-old fashioned cheese of The Last Starfighter and the classic Kubricky goodness of Dr. Strangelove. And I got to do laundry. Arthur! I'm doing LAUNDRY!

Uh. That's all. So, how was your weekend?

Rant 'o the day contains no additives, preservatives or small woodland creatures of any kind. Use only as directed. Do not expose to direct sunlight. Do not fold, spindle, multilate or remove identifying tags. Handle with care. Contains less than 3% milk fat by weight, not by volume. Squeeze the lemon.