It's a Dilbert Life

What can I say? It really is a Dilbert Life in the Information Technology industry. Today, our subject of Dilbertness is The Omnipotent Meetings Of Doom. Or, as we like to call them, Managerial Foot-Shooting.

Not their feet, of course. Our feet. It's one thing to hold a short meeting every now and then to parcel out projects, check on how everyone's doing, and generally maintain some semblance of a group 'wa'. It's quite another to hold Meetings Of Doom. One of these is this afternoon. Or, rather, this morning and this afternoon. To foster the small group approach, of perhaps just to have some of us around at all times, the staff are being split in two and sent to two seperate but identical meetings. (As I'm writing this in the morning, it should be obvious that my meeting is in the afternoon.) Now, this has the obvious consequence that since we all have very narrowly defined 'parts' of the project at which we are experts in, the absence of the people who are experts in other parts means that when things go wrong, we're left sitting there looking profoundly stupid because they're not around to kick things back into play. About the time they're getting loose from the clutches of the Meeting, it'll be time for me to go, so this will result in crazed hurdling towards doom, and about half an hour to hand things off to each other.

This is because the Meeting is Three and a Half Hours Long. So, essentially, of the eight hours we typically work, seven of them are a wash. (I'M not staying late. I doubt anyone else is either.) Oorah. I wonder what is so important that not only does it require meeting in person to explain, but it requires three and a half hours to properly articulate. Aiieee...

Making it worse is the fact that we were supposed to 'push' our code this afternoon. Oh well! Life's just a bitch that way.

I realize that group meetings are supposed to raise employee morale, or something, especially when they're followed by parties, as this one is, but really, my morale is just fine where it is (low to nonexistant) and no long meeting is likely to boost it. In fact, given the timing of all this, it's more likely just to make everyone increasingly surly. We appreciate the thought, but really, the Pre-Production Crunch Time is not the best point to be distracting us from our jobs...

Surl, surl.

I watched another episode of Crusade the other night. Mmm. Crusade. Lots of surl, yay! It's an interesting little show, but I can see why TNT snuffed it. It doesn't have that sort of undefinable 'oomph' to it. What more can you say? You'd think the alien babe in skin-tight leather (mmm) would have boosted ratings a bit, though...

It's sad. The only things I watch these days are Crusade, the occasional episode of Celebrity Deathmatch or Daria, Reboot, and the News. Generally I don't have to even watch the News, as pretty much the same things are happening. Politicians are lying like bastards, legislation is slowly throttling the American public's freedoms, somewhere people are fighting each other, and somewhere else Godzilla is busy wreaking havoc. Mmm. Lizard.

Then again, TV sucks, so my lack-of-watching is no particular surprise. I certainly hope the crap TV producers will go up against the wall when the Revolution comes. They don't have to be the FIRST up against the wall, but if we can get around to them eventually, I'd be mighty obliged. Then again, we may not even have to wait that long, as a recent survey by Vanderbilt University (motto: A bastion of surly rich bastards in the midst of scruffy, unwashed Nashvillians) concluded that a whopping one third of the American body politic think the news media have gotten out of hand, and should be vigorously beaten about the head. That little thingy called the First Amendment? Well, they suppose it can be ignored in this case. After all, it's only just this once...

I wonder how much houses in Canada go for... Or Ireland. Those wacky Irish seem to be working on an IT industry, too, and the country is pretty keen and the people only occasionally surly (although these bouts of surl tend to be expressed through detonations of bits of their cities or, alternately, bits of other people's cities). Mmm. Ireland. Stepping-stone in my plan for total and complete world domination.

It's obvious! All those idiots who think the First Amendment is "troublesome" should come work for me, and be my loyal minions, assisting my mighty rise towards the complete subjugation of the human race (except for those damn surly bits that nobody can ever seem to hang onto). If you want a fascist dictatorship, then let's not take these little baby steps towards it, but bravely leap on the bandwagon of oppression and usher in the new age of glorious revolutio--

Aw, hell, I broke the Sarcasm-O-Meter again...

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