_Civilization II_: Threat or Menace? I can't answer that, myself, I've got to go pacify some more Zulus...

This weekend I saw _Austin Powers 2: The Spy Who Shagged Me_. For those of you who haven't seen this movie yet (yes, both of you), it has many artfully funny scenes. It also has the Most Disgusting Scene Ever. What is it with these people?! Eeew.

And. Um. Zzzzznnrr...

Dragonball Z Update: Ummm... whup-ass, mostly. But we start out with Chi-chi (Gohan's mother) back on Earth having premonitions of doom. Bulma's father has cranked out a second space pod based on what he learned from building the first one, but it's not quite out of beta-testing yet... Chi-chi doesn't care, though, and 'borrows' it, only to immediately crash it when the engines, predictably, go piffle. Whups.

Meanwhile, Freiza and Captain Ginyu have the Dragonballs, and Ginyu proceeds to do the Dance of Joy until Frieza tells him to cut it out. At last, Frieza has his wish... or so he thinks. But he has the Dragonballs, and nothing happens. A long, surly pause ensues.

Meanwhile, Dispose-A-Namek Number Two is flying towards the site of the battle with the other Ginyu Forcers... when he has a premonition of impending doom for Guru the Eldest Namek. He reconsiders his orders to aid in the battle against the Ginyu, and in the end he turns around and heads back, unwilling to abandon his mentor.

Frieza gets really surly that the Dragonballs aren't working, but his evil little mind soon comes up with a fall-back plan. Obviously there's some ritual or something that needs to be performed, and he decides to personally go beat this information out of the surviving Nameks, leaving Captain Ginyu to guard the Dragonballs...

Meanwhile, Gohan and Racoome battle some more, both dishing out much whup-ass, but in the end, Gohan's power is exhausted completely and he just slumps there. Vegeta surls some more, but is powerless to intervene.

Predictably, at this point, Goku arrives.

Goku lands, senses immediately what's going on, and zips for the battle site, breezing past the Ginyu Force like they weren't even there, so as to get to his son with his little bag of Plot Device Beans. While the Ginyu Force remark how cool Goku is, Gohan is revived with one of the beans, and gives Goku the Cliff's Notes Version of the situation (they're allied with Vegeta, everyone's hurt, those three other guys are evil, kill-kill-kill).

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