One of the "fun" things about Florida is the frequent, happy, heavy rain-storms that roll up off of the Gulf of Mexico. We had one of those yesterday afternoon (predictably, right around the time I was planning to leave). Thunder, lightning, lots of water falling from the sky, power flickering, people surling, et cetera. Only one of my co-workers has a UPS (Un-interruptible Power System), and he was given a hearty round of "You suck!"'s as the lights went out, except for that low, flickering monitor glow from his cubicle.

Being a paranoid constant saver, I didn't actually lose anything, and really, it was relaxing and a good excuse to wander on home.

We now must remark upon an interesting fact of southern drivers. Or, at least, small-town southern drivers. See, the odd thing about people down here is, if traffic's really cranky and you're trying to pull onto the road, a lot of people will slow down and let you pull out. It's, you know, courtesy. This doesn't, of course, apply to big cities like Atlanta, where everyone drives like a complete maniac, doing ten over the highway speed limit with two feet of seperation between vehicles and people weaving around in all directions.

But back to our story. There's a truly awful intersection between two of the roads I must travel on to get to and from work. They're both one lane, they're both major throughfares, and they both have lots of smaller roads feeding into the general area, to boot. Specifically, right before the intersection between the main throughfare, there's a McDonalds (where people tend to get stuck in the little out lane and can't pull out because there are zillions of people waiting at the light) and beyond that, ANOTHER street, where MORE people get stuck. Not to mention the people trying to turn left onto that street from either direction. It's just a mess. Add to this that the light is rather slow, so people back up a ways. Now, being a fairly laid back sort of person (at least when I know I'm not going to make it through the light any faster anyway) if traffic's heavy and stuff ahead is backing up, I'll generally stop to keep that street clear so people can make their insane left turns against all odds, or pull in or whatever.

This time, when I did so, the driver behind me got a bit surly and honked. Which didn't get me to alter my plans any, but made me irritable anyway. It's not like moving forwards the two car lengths that were available to fill in the free space was going to help much as far as going through the light. Damn yankee bastard.

As a side note, some people will cut through the parking lot of the hapless McDonald's to escape waiting at the light of doom. This is not one of the brightest of plans, since 1) It's technically illegal, and 2) The other name for these two major throughfares (besides sucking annoyances from hell) is "cop alley". Bad motorist. No cookie.

And now, a few comics rants.
And now, the Dragonball Z Character Explanation Chart:
Son Goku
Badass Saiyan warrior, defender of Earth, father of Son Gohan.
Son Gohan
Perky little blighter, son of Son Goku. Trained by, and dresses like...
Surly green alien guy. Has antennae. A native of planet Namek. Currently stuck in the afterlife with...
King Ki
Guru-type, fond of really stupid jokes, looks like a cross between a turtle, a human, and a cockroach. Capable of monitoring the whole universe from his abode in the Next Dimension.
Human hero, looks like Goku except with facial scars. Got whacked during Vegeta's attempt at conquering Earth. Currently in the Next Dimension training under King Ki.
Earth hero with three eyes. Tends to go around without a shirt. Also got whacked during Vegeta's attempt at Earth conquest. Also training under King Ki.
Earth hero who looks like a little floating mime. Also got killed, etc, etc.
Surly Saiyan warrior, attempted to conquer Earth and failed, used to work for Frieza but has rebelled after discovering Frieza was responsible for the destruction of the Saiyan homeworld. Currently on Namek hunting Dragonballs. Hates everyone.
Purple guy, looks deceptively cute but is really capable of planetary destruction at the drop of a hat. Commands an organization of other super-powerful bad-asses. Currently on Namek hunting Dragonballs and occasionally vaporizing his own henchmen. REALLY hates everyone.
The Dragonball team's Ingenue. Also responsible for programming their VCRs. A human with no powers of her own, she nonetheless manages to be fairly effective on problems which don't involve beating people up. Carries around a small package of 'Capsules', which, when activated, turn into various pieces of equipment.

Dragonball Z Update: Vegeta arrives at the recently vacated base camp of Our Heroes, and gets really pissed when he realizes they've buggered off without leaving a change of address. Vegeta is, however, a pragmatist, and quickly leaves to think up a new strategy. His main problem is that he has six of the Dragonballs, and the darn things are too big to carry around. If he leaves them and goes hunting for the Good Guys, Frieza might find his stash. What to do, what to do...

Meanwhile, Gohan, Krillan and Bulma cower in their hiding place, and Bulma surls a lot. Krillan remarks that the only way they're going to be able to get the Dragonballs from Vegeta is if they go to the Eldest Namek and have him boost Gohan's power level. Bulma surls about being left alone, but there's no other choice.

Vegeta's surly thinking and Bulma's surly lounging around and waiting are interrupted as Frieza finally grows impatient and starts chucking fireballs randomly around, causing earthquakes around the whole planet. Vegeta sits down to wait it out, but the Dragonball which Bulma was left to guard starts rolling out into the open... When the Earthquakes stop, she gives chase, only to pull up short when the Dragonball rolls into the ocean. Now, it's literally only in a foot or so of water, but Bulma is completely unwilling to put so much as a toe in the ocean to get it out, and so becomes involved in a variety of panicked attempts to push, pull or prod the thing back in. Which backfire, of course, and it rolls into deeper water. Bulma panicks for a bit, then remembers her Capsule-box and conjures up a mini-sub. Problem solved, as she's now sitting behind the helm of a heavily armed submersible.

Her quest is interrupted by various problems, such as 1) A sea monster, which she scares off, 2) A giant clam, which tries to lure her in with a big pearl (Bulma's rather greedy) and nearly eats her, and 3) a giant crab, which wrecks the mini-sub. Bulma, luckily, thinks quickly and pops another capsule, this time conjuring up a battle-suit for herself. After staving off a crab attack (the crab was defending its big egg sac, which the Dragonball was stuck to), Bulma retrieves the Dragonball and returns to the surface, feeling good about herself and the world.

It's at this point, naturally, that she's ambushed by some of Frieza's patrolling henchmen...

Rant 'o the day contains no additives, preservatives or small woodland creatures of any kind. Use only as directed. Do not expose to direct sunlight. Do not fold, spindle, multilate or remove identifying tags. Handle with care. Contains less than 3% milk fat by weight, not by volume. Squeeze the lemon.