Not much to say, really. Work keeps me busy. And when I'm not working, I've generally got something or the other to do...

Main event of yesterday? I got comics, and rented the second tape of the Revolutionary Girl Utena anime. Yes, yes, exciting, I know. But... it's Utena. What more could you ask for out of life than an evening's worth of seriously crack-inspired anime to watch? Ah, the wonders of alternating between a level of bizarre surreality and a level of angstful confusion... But enough about that. (In other news, the local pseudo-indy newspaper bought a review from me about Utena; I say they're only pseudo-indy because they're really just a mouthpiece for the local paper... but it's the thought that counts.)

This evening, my sister will be graduating, which means I have to dress up and lounge in the hot Florida sun so I can see her get a little sheet of paper while sitting amongst a bunch of other people who would rather not be dressed up and lounging in the hot Florida sun. This fall she'll be in college. I find this idea deeply disturbing. There are certain things that should never be unleashed on the waking world, and my sister is one of them.

Dragonball Z Update: Only a few things really happen in this episode, but they take rather a long time to do it.

Krillan and Dende finally meet the Eldest Namek, and learn a few important plot points. Firstly, that the Eldest Namek is dying, and secondly, that he made the Dragonballs, and lastly, that the Dragonballs draw their power from the person who made them. So if he goes poofski, no more Dragonballs. On Namek, anyway. Krillan, not being an idiot, realizes that the reason there are no Dragonballs on Earth now is that Vegita waxed the Namek there who made them (I could explain all that, but it's probably not worth it).

About this time, the writers realize they've put the main characters up against a bunch of total bad-asses, and so they correct this by having the Eldest Namek "awaken Krillan's sleeping power". To which Krillan, in a marvellous display of bad dubbing, remarks, "But I don't have any special powers!" Um. Yes. You mean, except for the flying and the glowing aura and the Destructo Discs and the other stuff. No special powers at all, nope nope. Hmm. Maybe Krillan's special power will be the ability to hit what he shoots at...

Krillan gets the last Dragonball from the Eldest Namek and goes to get Gohan so that the Eldest Namek can search for hidden powers on the kid, too.

Meanwhile, Vegita emerges from his watery grave and surls at passing fauna until collapsing from exhaustion.

And in another subplot, Zarbon reports to Frieza (and Frieza, showing remarkable intelligence, remarks to the effect of "What, you didn't see Vegita's body? You idiot, you KNOW he's not dead NOW!") And Generic Alien Henchman #3 comes in to report that he's seen the village Vegita blew up, and no sign of the Dragonball.

And in another subplot, Goku is still training.

And in another subplot, Bulma is still surling.

No head is beaten in this episode. How sad.

Rant 'o the day contains no additives, preservatives or small woodland creatures of any kind. Use only as directed. Do not expose to direct sunlight. Do not fold, spindle, multilate or remove identifying tags. Handle with care. Contains less than 3% milk fat by weight, not by volume. Squeeze the lemon.