
There was an outdoor, summer sort of party thing at the office yesterday, with BBQ chicken and other appropriately Southron food. Plus a 'dunk-the-boss' booth, and a door prize contest.

I would have enjoyed it more if the boss hadn't surled at us this morning about how we aren't on schedule, mainly because months of having to make changes, then reverse them, then make them again, have made us averse to actually doing anything before someone shows up at our desks and demands it, and to let requests moulder for a few weeks in case the person requesting changes their mind.

N'er the less, it was free food. I was a bit insulted to win a t-shirt in the door prize drawings, though. Especially since it was a t-shirt for a division of the company other than the one I work for. I sat out in the sun for this? Surl, surl.

I spent entirely too much time at work yesterday. Eight o'clock is not a good time to be going home. For obvious reasons, I don't have much to talk about from yesterday. Deal.

Dragonball Z Update: Freeza and his minions slap around some hapless Nameks... But the Nameks prove that though they haven't the power to stand up to Freeza, they're not stupid; the first thing they do is blow up all the villains' "scouter" devices (a cross between a heads'-up display, a Plot Device Detector, and a Badass-O-Meter). That should slow down the villains' acquisition of Dragonballs... as villains never carry spares of important equipment.

This destruction does not, however, prevent the villains from kicking Namek butt. Gohan and Krillan can only hang out in the background and watch, knowing they haven't the power to take on any of the villains, but when the henchthing that's slapping Nameks around (named Dodorian, for no clear reason), decides to pick on a Namek kid, Gohan finally has had enough. He and Krillan dish out some tag-team whup-ass on Dodorian, and fly away (all martial artists can fly, didn't you know that?).

This makes Dodorian really surly, and he promptly (after Freeza basically laughs at him for getting smacked around by two kids) tears off after them to take revenge.

Meanwhile, Goku is training and trying to get back into shape. And he's doing this by setting the gravity of the, Capsule Corp ship he's flying to 20 times Earth normal. Yow! Hmm. They show the gravity every episode... I'm beginning to think that the fact that the ship's gravity can go up to 100 times Earth normal will be a plot point...

Gohan and Krillan just can't seem to outrun the enormously surly Dodorian (who they call 'lumpy', because he's sort of pink and spiky, like an anthropomorphic, surly spiky thing). So they engage in a bit of aerial combat, until finally Krillan cuts loose with a flash attack that blinds ol' Lumpy so they can get away.

This makes Dodorian really, really surly, and when he can see again, he decides to hell with trying to find them, and cuts loose with a ki blast that wreaks as much havoc as your average tactical nuke on the terrain below.

Fortunately, Gohan, Krillan and the Nameless Namek Boy all got out of the way in time, and Lumpy flies off, oblivious.

Where's Vegita, dammit? Enough of this pansy running away stuff, I want to see people get booted in the head!

Todays' Costume Boy Sightings: None.

The Morning Weather: Cool and hazy.

Rant 'o the day contains no additives, preservatives or small woodland creatures of any kind. Use only as directed. Do not expose to direct sunlight. Do not fold, spindle, multilate or remove identifying tags. Handle with care. Contains less than 3% milk fat by weight, not by volume. Squeeze the lemon.