
Today's new feature: Dragonball Z Watch. Yes, thrill with amazement at the fact that a fight scene in this anime has been going on for the past three weeks without any sign of abatement! Cower in awe at the stock footage! Gibber in fear at the continual smack-downs delivered to the forces of light!

Dragonball Z, for those of you who don't know any better, is a little Japanese anime show about... um... people beating each other up. Um. I think that's about it, actually. Hmm. That didn't take long.

Three fridays ago, I tuned in to an episode of DBZ out of sheer, late night boredom. Hmm. Anime. The main character, Goku, was off being dead and training in the afterlife (!). Meanwhile, an alien maniac and his large, surly sidekick were heading for earth to retrieve the magical Dragon Balls. Which some of Earth's massive collection of heroes had gathered to resurrect Goku. Which they did. Bad guys promptly begin laying waste to stuff to draw out Earth's heroes, who obligingly show up. Goku heads back to earth. Dramatic posturing occurs.

One week later (two fridays ago), I tuned in again. Episodes had passed in the meantime. The two villains were still unhurt, Earth's population of heroes (well, those who'd been dumb enough to stand up and get a beat-down) were down to three, some alien lizard guy, Goku's son, and a guy with six spots on his head. More fighting. Lizard guy gets taken out, spots guy summons up a 'destructo disc' in a marvelous display of stock footage, which the villains promptly dodge. More smacking-down of the forces of light occurs. Goku finally arrives back on earth and heads for the battle site.

Last friday, same thing. More fighting had taken place during the week. Surly henchperson had been taken out, and the main villain, Vegita, had used his surly villain powers to transform into a mighty giant monster. Everyone gets smack-downs, including Goku. Where are those darn power rangers and their giant robot when you need them? Spots guy is still around, tries the Destructo Disc thing again. Bad guy dodges. Again. Some minor third-string Earth hero shows up and exploits a weakness of the bad guy while he's distracted, causing him to de-monsterify. Bad guy gets even MORE surly and distributes further smack-downs all around. Bad guy smacks Gohan around, while Goku gives Spots Guy an energy sphere to throw. Mmm. Ki powers. Spots Guy throws this, Earth's last hope for victory... and misses. Again. Fortunately, Gohan rebounds it and smacks the bad guy into orbit. Victory? But no! The bad guy is apparently going to return next episode!

How long can this possibly go on? Is it true that an entire season of the show is just one extended battle scene??? We'll find out!

Todays' Costume Boy Sightings: None.

The Morning Weather: Pleasantly cool, migrating towards surly excessive heat.

The Filler:

As demanded, a picture of Eat-Man.

Rant 'o the day contains no additives, preservatives or small woodland creatures of any kind. Use only as directed. Do not expose to direct sunlight. Do not fold, spindle, multilate or remove identifying tags. Handle with care. Contains less than 3% milk fat by weight, not by volume. Squeeze the lemon.