
No update yesterday, for I spent the day racking up some parental slack points (which I technically don't need, but there you go) by hanging out with my parents for mothers' day. And that was pretty much it. Laundry was done (I'm such a lazy bastard, I save up my laundry to do at my parents house whenever they invite me over for some reason, which is about once every two weeks), much food was consumed (I grilled steaks. mmm.) and there was napping and general conversation. Woo-hoo.

This weekend's consumed book: _Guards, Guards_ by Terry Pratchett, which I managed to acquire at last. Some people don't like Terry Pratchett. Some people are quite, quite insane. Now if he would just do a story with unicorns and magically large bladders, our lives would be complete.

This weekend's consumed magazines: _Guns & Ammo_ (I subscribed to this at least four years ago for no particular reason. They haven't stopped sending it to me since. This is not a victory for 'small bits of paper' accounting.), and _National Geographic Adventure_. Yes, _Adventure_, the Geographic's attempt to be young and hip. At least 30% advertising by weight, with product reviews and pre-chewed and digested articles for the young and infirm, Geographic Adventure combines the "satisfaction NOW, damn you!" attitude of the Nintendo Generation with the wacky modern art layout of Wired (complete with wildly fluctuating font sizes) and a dollop of more trendy and adventurous content which wasn't beefy enough to make it into the Geographic proper. Color me unimpressed.

This Weekend's VCR Fodder: _Black Dog_. Mmm. Trucks. Lots of trucks. Lots and lots of trucks. Truck, truck, truck.

Today's new feature: 'Costume Boy Watch'. Yes, now I'll list sightings of Tallahassee's own super-hero, Costume Boy. I'm also certain I'll find photos eventually. But for the uninitiated, Costume Boy is a brave defender of truth and justice who, for no readily apparent reason, jogs through town wearing superhero costumes or, when those are in the wash, random costumes from wherever he can find them (one day he was a pirate). Every morning, he jogs down the sidewalk of mighty Pensacola Street, waving cheerily to the citizens who roar down that great thoroughfare as he keeps them safe from all those who would prevent people from running around in spandex (or, alternately, pirate costumes). Costume Boy stands as a shining beacon in the night for all those who would seek to become local celebrities through sheer determination. More on this story as it develops.

Today's Costume Boy Sighting: 7:50, heading East down Pensacola Street, wearing a Superman costume.

The Morning Weather: Cool and sunny.

Rant 'o the day contains no additives, preservatives or small woodland creatures of any kind. Use only as directed. Do not expose to direct sunlight. Do not fold, spindle, multilate or remove identifying tags. Handle with care. Contains less than 3% milk fat by weight, not by volume. Squeeze the lemon.