Silence is Golden

This was actually written on the 6th, but I don't want to give my loyal readers (all 8 or so of them) too much content at one time. Like one of the local radio stations (X101.5, Motto: "Life is an awful, sucking morass of angst and pain... just like X101.5!") says, "And now, it's time for another one in a row (We don't want to give 'em too much... how about we just give 'em one in a row...)"

Anyway, Graduation Weekend has come and gone. One of my co-workers now has his degree, and is no still no smarter than the rest of us. He is, however, being hijacked by another division of our chronically under staffed company, the database guys. Which means we now have someone to dump on with all our database problems who isn't high enough ranked to just blow us off. Heh heh heh... It also means we have one fewer programmer to support our painfully baffled code base. Erk.

Anyway, Tallahassee is much emptier (which I'm quite happy with, frankly, whenever I need to drive anywhere in a hurry) with all the students gone. There's no bi-weekly anime club meetings, though, which is the only down side. And I do mean the only down side. Now those of us who actually live in this little burg have all the resources and services of a three college plus state government town to ourselves (well, to ourselves if you don't count various beaurocrats and summer studentia). I consider this a good thing.

Some people like the big city atmosphere and lots of people. Quite frankly, I think these people are insane. I like quiet, I like not having zillions of people around. I'm not severely crowd-phobic, but I'm definitely one of those people who likes to spend large amounts of time not being bothered by the masses of mundanes. Give me a quiet library with a maze-like labyrinth of rooms, halls and stacks with dusty corners that may or may not have been explored since the fifties, and I'd happily waste vast amounts of time there, without any contact with another human being unless I'm waiting in line at the checkout desk. I'm not anti-social, it's just that ninety nine percent of humanity has nothing to offer me, and the other one percent I prefer to encounter exclusively on my own terms.

Which is actually closer to being sociopathic, now that I think about it. Hurm. Oh well. Perhaps it's the atmosphere of the South (the Florida Panhandle aka the Redneck Riviera still counts as The South, whereas much of Florida actually counts as part of Mexico). I have more meaningful conversations with total strangers while waiting in line or passing in the halls than I do with most people I actually know. I suppose part of the reason I'm perfectly happy to spend my free time blissfully ignoring the rest of the world is that I have a low quota of interaction that needs to be fulfilled, and it's completed quite nicely in conversations at work and during friendly chatter with the locals during the various things that regrettably require me to leave home to accomplish (groceries, etc).

Regardless, Tallahassee is now much emptier. More social oriented types might bemoan the loss of people who've fled back to their distant homes, but I'm not one of those types. Let those who retreat from this fair town do so, those that remain will be all the better for it...

I know I will, at least... no more razzer-frazzin students clogging up the street I need to pull out into in the mornings to go in to work, reducing it to near-zero visibility. Mutter, mutter, cretins, mumble.

Time to sneak out some night and paint more sections of curb in "Don't park here, dammit!" yellow. My tax dollars pay for the parking enforcement system, I might as well get some benefit from it.

Rant 'o the day contains no additives, preservatives or small woodland creatures of any kind. Use only as directed. Do not expose to direct sunlight. Do not fold, spindle, multilate or remove identifying tags. Handle with care. Contains less than 3% milk fat by weight, not by volume. Squeeze the lemon.