This stuff is pretty cool.

Hey, let's face it. We're not on the World Wide Web because we're Cybernauts exploring an exciting new universe ­p; a universe where the barriers come down and the world is spread before us, autopsy style. We're on the Web for three reasons:

  1. We like computers
  2. We want a program to do all the hard work
  3. We like to look at pretty pictures

In the immortal words of Tom Tommorrow, "We're sitting on our butts staring at a computer screen." Here therefore are some of the things I like to stare at. I hope you like them too.

The Foam Weapons Report:
Let's face facts. It's a hard, cold world. the kind of world where all you can rely on is your eye, your hand, and your Nerf Ballzooka. Don't trust cut-rate Tyco - get the facts of the foam.

Illuminated Illustrations: Look, I don't like saying nice things about Dominic White any more than you do. But he's a damn good artist, so I figure I'd better throw this link in to prove it.

Slugs!: When in the pristine Pacific Northwest, it's not a bad idea to watch where you're walking....

The Robert A. Heinlein Page: Get the facts!

The Superguy Home Page: When one looks at the morass of information which is and continues to be Superguy Digest, one has to feel something. That something is treatable at your local clinic.

URouLette:: Hey, no one ever said you had to know where you were going ­p; you just have to get there and arrive in style! This King of the Random URL generators may bore you, offend you, or enlighten you. I don't know which, so I take no responsibility.

Hourglass: Hey, why spend a lot of time and effort making a web page that looks like crap, when you can pay other people to spend a lot of time and effort making a web page that looks like crap? Er, rather, that looks pretty good. Whatever.

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