Current INN Documentation

This documentation is from the current Git head of INN development, not for the latest INN release. It is therefore intended primarily for INN developers and users who are tracking CURRENT snapshots, and to test the HTML conversion of the documentation. Be warned that it may be incorrect for STABLE snapshots or a released version and be careful about relying on it.

Basic documentation:

Documentation for developers:

Filtering and authentication hook documentation:

Configuration files:

Primary daemons and utilities to start them:

Data files:

Outgoing feeds:

Article posting utilities:

Overview method documentation:

User utilities:

Expiration and maintenance utilities:

Special article processing:

Support utilities:

Authentication programs:

CNFS storage support utilities:

OVDB overview support utilities:

ovsqlite overview support utilities:

Tradindexed overview support utilities:

Tradspool storage support utilities:

Support library documentation:

Perl support:

Contributed software:

Last modified and spun 2024-03-05