Vacation transition

Weeds on grey

Weeds silhouetted against a grey and cloudy sky along the 804 trail in Yachats, Oregon. It's starting to feel like winter, so I wanted a nice winter picture.

It always takes me a few days to kick into vacation mode, sort out how I'm going to typically spend my time, and relax enough that I can "waste" time on taking on larger projects that don't immediately pay off. Today was a great day for all of those things. I didn't end up reading, which I'd intended to, or take a second walk, but I did putter around on Lintian for much of the afternoon. I've written the first draft of a new module that moves the current Tags module into the Lintian::* namespace, documents it, and cleans up the interface to be object-oriented. It requires some API changes elsewhere and I have to figure out how to test it, but the first draft is done. (Strangely enough, I got started on this while trying to figure out the best way of implementing a mode that checks only the ftp-master tags.)

Other than that, I helped my mom make macaroni and cheese, only partly successfully, and showed her a few things on her computer. I crossed three things off my to-do list, which is excellent given that today was not supposed to be an accomplishment day. And I watched football. And now I'm feeling far more relaxed, able to take each day at a time, and thoroughly on vacation.

Goal for the next week: take each day at a time, do plenty of reading, follow whatever feels the most fun, and don't think about anything beyond the horizon of vacation.

Posted: 2009-12-21 01:29 — Why no comments?

Last spun 2022-02-06 from thread modified 2013-01-04