Dave's ASH Archive - ASHistory

Last Updated: 11/27/10

Catman: Minor Arcana #4 added.

Icon Doctor Developer (young)
WarStar with his Astro Spear, Doctor Developer in the 1990s.

    This page covers any series set prior to the main action in the 2020s, but short enough not to get its own page.

    Beacon: This series covers the career of Harry Parker, aka Beacon, from the dying days of WWI to the opening shots of WWII and beyond.

    WarStar: Set in the turbulent 1990s, this story is told from the point of view of WarStar, a would-be conqueror from another dimension. This is a limited series of four issues. Winner of the RACCie Award for "Favorite MiniSeries!"

    Catman: Minor Arcana: Written for RACCoWriMo 2010, this follows four important events in the life of Edouard (aka Catman), refugee from a dead reality and sometime leader of the original Academy of Super-Heroes. Series runs from 1989 through 1998, with a coda filling in the remaining decades until 2026.
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