Book Reviews by Date

This is an alternate view of my book reviews, sorted by the date at which the review was posted (or, prior to December 2008, the date when it was originally written). For more information about my reviews, please see the main review page. For information on how (and why) I rate books and the meaning of the ratings, please see my review philosophy.

Extremely long titles have been abbreviated to fit into the table. Omissions are marked with ellipses (...).

I also have yearly summaries for 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023.

2024-04-30 Julie E. Czerneda To Each This World 6 out of 10
2024-04-24 Terry Pratchett Nation 8 out of 10
2024-04-21 Isaac Asimov The Stars, Like Dust 2 out of 10
2024-04-17 Terry Pratchett Unseen Academicals 8 out of 10
2024-02-24 Rob Copeland The Fund 7 out of 10
2024-01-31 Martha Wells System Collapse 8 out of 10
2024-01-28 Ciel Pierlot Bluebird 6 out of 10
2024-01-15 Terry Pratchett Making Money 8 out of 10
2024-01-14 Alaya Dawn Johnson The Library of Broken Worlds 7 out of 10
2024-01-07 C.L. Clark The Faithless 7 out of 10
2023-12-29 Claire O'Dell The Hound of Justice 6 out of 10
2023-12-28 E.K. Johnston The Afterward 7 out of 10
2023-12-27 T. Kingfisher Nettle & Bone 8 out of 10
2023-12-26 Arthur Conan Doyle A Study in Scarlet 4 out of 10
2023-12-25 Claire O'Dell A Study in Honor 8 out of 10
2023-12-24 K.B. Spangler The Blackwing War 7 out of 10
2023-12-23 Naomi Kritzer Liberty's Daughter 7 out of 10
2023-12-22 Travis Baldree Bookshops & Bonedust 8 out of 10
2023-12-21 Terry Pratchett Wintersmith 8 out of 10
2023-12-20 Marc Levinson The Box 7 out of 10
2023-11-20 Terry Pratchett Thud! 9 out of 10
2023-11-19 J.S. Dewes The Exiled Fleet 5 out of 10
2023-10-24 Michael Lewis Going Infinite 9 out of 10
2023-10-22 Terry Pratchett Going Postal 8 out of 10
2023-10-18 Ken MacLeod The Cassini Division 6 out of 10
2023-10-17 Mar Delaney Wolf Country 7 out of 10
2023-10-16 Terry Pratchett A Hat Full of Sky 8 out of 10
2023-10-14 Seanan McGuire A Killing Frost 7 out of 10
2023-10-09 Valerie Valdes Chilling Effect 6 out of 10
2023-10-05 John Joseph Adams (ed.) The Far Reaches 5 out of 10
2023-10-03 J.S. Dewes The Last Watch 7 out of 10
2023-10-02 Terry Pratchett Monstrous Regiment 8 out of 10
2023-09-04 Stephen Flavall Before We Go Live 7 out of 10
2023-08-20 Emily Tesh Some Desperate Glory 10 out of 10
2023-07-17 Travis Baldree Legends & Lattes 8 out of 10
2023-07-16 Seanan McGuire The Unkindest Tide 7 out of 10
2023-06-28 Sue Burke Semiosis 6 out of 10
2023-06-27 Ann Leckie Translation State 8 out of 10
2023-06-24 Terry Pratchett The Wee Free Men 8 out of 10
2023-06-23 Arkady Martine Rose/House 6 out of 10
2023-06-21 Kate Elliott Furious Heaven 7 out of 10
2023-05-30 Terry Pratchett Night Watch 10 out of 10
2023-05-29 Malka Older The Mimicking of Known Successes 6 out of 10
2023-05-22 Ruthanna Emrys A Half-Built Garden 7 out of 10
2023-05-21 Steven Brust Tsalmoth 7 out of 10
2023-05-20 Ken MacLeod The Stone Canal 5 out of 10
2023-04-30 Terry Pratchett The Amazing Maurice... 8 out of 10
2023-04-13 R.F. Kuang Babel 7 out of 10
2023-04-12 Oliver Darkshire Once Upon a Tome 9 out of 10
2023-04-11 Terry Pratchett The Last Hero 7 out of 10
2023-04-10 Madeline Miller Circe 8 out of 10
2023-04-02 Anu Partanen The Nordic Theory of Everything 7 out of 10
2023-03-24 Terry Pratchett Thief of Time 8 out of 10
2023-03-21 John Scalzi The Kaiju Preservation Society 2 out of 10
2023-03-19 Ken MacLeod The Star Fraction 6 out of 10
2023-03-18 Elie Mystal Allow Me to Retort 7 out of 10
2023-02-25 Jo Walton An Informal History of the Hugos 6 out of 10
2023-01-27 T.L. Huchu The Library of the Dead 6 out of 10
2023-01-17 Blake Crouch (ed.) Forward 4 out of 10
2023-01-16 Seanan McGuire Night and Silence 8 out of 10
2023-01-15 Terry Pratchett The Truth 8 out of 10
2023-01-08 Nisi Shawl & Latoya Peterson (ed.) Black Stars 6 out of 10
2023-01-07 Tony Judt Postwar 8 out of 10
2022-12-28 Ilona Andrews Sweep of the Heart 8 out of 10
2022-12-20 Adam Tooze Shutdown 7 out of 10
2022-12-19 Rachel Hartman Tess of the Road 7 out of 10
2022-12-18 Miles Cameron Artifact Space 9 out of 10
2022-12-13 Carl Sagan Contact 6 out of 10
2022-12-11 C.L. Clark The Unbroken 7 out of 10
2022-12-10 Terry Pratchett The Fifth Elephant 8 out of 10
2022-12-09 Mary Sisson Trust 6 out of 10
2022-11-29 Lev Menand The Fed Unbound 5 out of 10
2022-11-23 Kate Elliott Servant Mage 6 out of 10
2022-11-05 Lauren Groff Matrix 4 out of 10
2022-11-02 Terry Pratchett Carpe Jugulum 7 out of 10
2022-10-31 Jo Walton What Makes This Book So Great 8 out of 10
2022-10-28 Terry Pratchett The Last Continent 5 out of 10
2022-10-25 Naomi Novik The Golden Enclaves 10 out of 10
2022-10-24 Richard Roberts A Spaceship Repair Girl... 7 out of 10
2022-10-23 Tamsyn Muir Nona the Ninth 7 out of 10
2022-10-03 Glen Cook The Dragon Never Sleeps 2 out of 10
2022-10-02 Terry Pratchett Jingo 8 out of 10
2022-09-10 Terry Pratchett Hogfather 7 out of 10
2022-08-21 Benjanun Sriduangkaew And Shall Machines Surrender 6 out of 10
2022-08-20 Becky Chambers A Prayer for the Crown-Shy 7 out of 10
2022-08-13 Robert L. Wears & Kathleen M. Sutcliffe Still Not Safe 6 out of 10
2022-07-16 Mary Sisson Trang 8 out of 10
2022-07-05 P. Djèlí Clark A Master of Djinn 7 out of 10
2022-07-04 Alix E. Harrow A Mirror Mended 7 out of 10
2022-07-03 Shelley Parker-Chan She Who Became the Sun 7 out of 10
2022-07-02 P. Djèlí Clark The Haunting of Tram Car 015 7 out of 10
2022-07-01 Amanda Oliver Overdue 5 out of 10
2022-06-26 Ryka Aoki Light from Uncommon Stars 9 out of 10
2022-06-25 Terry Pratchett Feet of Clay 8 out of 10
2022-06-23 P. Djèlí Clark A Dead Djinn in Cairo 6 out of 10
2022-06-11 Roger MacBride Allen The Shattered Sphere 5 out of 10
2022-05-31 David Eddings The Seeress of Kell 3 out of 10
2022-05-30 Terry Pratchett Maskerade 8 out of 10
2022-05-29 Elizabeth Bear Steles of the Sky 6 out of 10
2022-05-28 Tom Burgis Kleptopia 7 out of 10
2022-05-21 Tillie Walden On a Sunbeam 7 out of 10
2022-04-28 Terry Pratchett Interesting Times 6 out of 10
2022-04-26 David Eddings Sorceress of Darshiva 6 out of 10
2022-03-31 Tamsyn Muir Princess Floralinda... 5 out of 10
2022-03-26 Sarah Pinsker A Song for a New Day 6 out of 10
2022-02-22 Adrian Tchaikovsky Elder Race 7 out of 10
2022-02-21 Guy Gavriel Kay Children of Earth and Sky 9 out of 10
2022-02-06 Gareth L. Powell Embers of War 6 out of 10
2022-01-30 E. Nesbit The Story of the Treasure Seekers 7 out of 10
2022-01-26 Madeleine Dore I Didn't Do the Thing Today 7 out of 10
2022-01-15 Seanan McGuire The Brightest Fell 6 out of 10
2022-01-10 Natalie Zina Walschots Hench 9 out of 10
2022-01-08 Jordan Ifueko Redemptor 5 out of 10
2022-01-02 Adam Tooze Crashed 8 out of 10
2021-12-30 Micaiah Johnson The Space Between Worlds 8 out of 10
2021-12-28 Alix E. Harrow A Spindle Splintered 8 out of 10
2021-12-27 Charlie Warzel & Anne Helen Petersen Out of Office 7 out of 10
2021-12-24 Elizabeth Bear Shattered Pillars 7 out of 10
2021-12-22 Nghi Vo The Empress of Salt and Fortune 7 out of 10
2021-12-18 Jordan Ifueko Raybearer 8 out of 10
2021-11-30 Cal Newport A World Without Email 7 out of 10
2021-11-27 Terry Pratchett Soul Music 7 out of 10
2021-11-26 Becky Chambers A Psalm for the Wild-Built 7 out of 10
2021-11-13 Naomi Novik The Last Graduate 10 out of 10
2021-10-30 Rachel Hartman Shadow Scale 4 out of 10
2021-09-26 Kathi Weeks The Problem with Work 5 out of 10
2021-08-18 Catherynne M. Valente The Past is Red 7 out of 10
2021-08-16 Rebecca Roanhorse Black Sun 4 out of 10
2021-08-15 Becky Chambers The Galaxy, and the Ground Within 8 out of 10
2021-08-08 C.S. Lewis The Last Battle 4 out of 10
2021-08-01 Susanna Clarke Piranesi 6 out of 10
2021-07-31 Martha Wells Fugitive Telemetry 8 out of 10
2021-06-20 David Eddings Demon Lord of Karanda 3 out of 10
2021-06-19 C.S. Lewis The Magician's Nephew 9 out of 10
2021-06-06 K.B. Spangler Stoneskin 7 out of 10
2021-05-31 C.S. Lewis The Horse and His Boy 7 out of 10
2021-05-30 Mary Robinette Kowal The Relentless Moon 7 out of 10
2021-05-29 C.S. Lewis The Silver Chair 6 out of 10
2021-05-15 Arkady Martine A Desolation Called Peace 8 out of 10
2021-05-02 C.S. Lewis The Voyage of the Dawn Treader 9 out of 10
2021-04-27 Kit Rocha Beyond Shame 6 out of 10
2021-04-24 Alex Banks & Eve Porcello Learning React 6 out of 10
2021-04-03 C.S. Lewis Prince Caspian 7 out of 10
2021-03-30 T. Kingfisher Paladin's Strength 7 out of 10
2021-03-28 David Flanagan JavaScript: The Definitive Guide 9 out of 10
2021-03-01 C.S. Lewis The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe 7 out of 10
2021-02-28 Karen Osborne Architects of Memory 4 out of 10
2021-02-21 Suzanne Palmer Finder 7 out of 10
2021-02-20 Mary Robinette Kowal The Fated Sky 8 out of 10
2021-02-17 Allie Brosh Solutions and Other Problems 8 out of 10
2021-02-14 Ryk E. Spoor Spheres of Influence 5 out of 10
2021-02-07 Annalee Newitz The Future of Another Timeline 6 out of 10
2021-01-26 Naomi Novik A Deadly Education 9 out of 10
2021-01-25 N.K. Jemisin The City We Became 7 out of 10
2021-01-24 Devon Price Laziness Does Not Exist 6 out of 10
2021-01-18 The Secret Barrister The Secret Barrister 6 out of 10
2021-01-03 Alix E. Harrow The Once and Future Witches 8 out of 10
2020-12-31 T. Kingfisher A Wizard's Guide to Defensive Baking 7 out of 10
2020-12-30 Reeves Wiedeman Billion Dollar Loser 7 out of 10
2020-12-29 TJ Klune The House in the Cerulean Sea 9 out of 10
2020-12-27 Timothy Caulfield Your Day, Your Way 6 out of 10
2020-12-26 David Eddings King of the Murgos 4 out of 10
2020-12-25 Maria Konnikova The Biggest Bluff 7 out of 10
2020-12-22 Nick Pettigrew Anti-Social 9 out of 10
2020-12-20 K.B. Wagers Behind the Throne 6 out of 10
2020-12-19 Anne Helen Petersen Can't Even 8 out of 10
2020-12-12 Gretchen McCulloch Because Internet 9 out of 10
2020-11-27 T. Kingfisher Nine Goblins 7 out of 10
2020-10-11 Linda Tirado Hand to Mouth 8 out of 10
2020-09-30 Tamsyn Muir Harrow the Ninth 9 out of 10
2020-09-21 Kate Elliott Unconquerable Sun 7 out of 10
2020-09-20 Tressie McMillan Cottom Lower Ed 8 out of 10
2020-09-13 Maya Schenwar, et al. (ed.) Who Do You Serve, Who Do You Protect? 3 out of 10
2020-08-31 Tochi Onyebuchi Riot Baby 7 out of 10
2020-08-30 Terry Pratchett Men at Arms 8 out of 10
2020-07-27 Charlie Jane Anders The City in the Middle of the Night 4 out of 10
2020-07-26 Radley Balko Rise of the Warrior Cop 6 out of 10
2020-07-25 T. Kingfisher Paladin's Grace 8 out of 10
2020-07-03 Kameron Hurley The Light Brigade 6 out of 10
2020-06-29 Michael Lewis The Fifth Risk 10 out of 10
2020-06-16 Martha Wells Network Effect 9 out of 10
2020-05-26 Seanan McGuire Middlegame 4 out of 10
2020-05-25 Alix E. Harrow The Ten Thousand Doors of January 9 out of 10
2020-05-24 John Scalzi The Last Emperox 8 out of 10
2020-05-12 Tamsyn Muir Gideon the Ninth 8 out of 10
2020-05-09 Conor Dougherty Golden Gates 8 out of 10
2020-05-03 Rachel Hartman Seraphina 7 out of 10
2020-04-25 Matt Potter The Last Goodbye 8 out of 10
2020-04-18 Ethan Siegel Beyond the Galaxy 8 out of 10
2020-04-05 Tressie McMillan Cottom Thick 9 out of 10
2020-03-31 Ann Finkbeiner A Grand and Bold Thing 7 out of 10
2020-03-23 Sabine Hossenfelder Lost in Math 7 out of 10
2020-02-24 Cal Newport Digital Minimalism 6 out of 10
2020-02-23 Ilona Andrews Sweep with Me 7 out of 10
2020-02-22 Martha Wells Exit Strategy 9 out of 10
2020-02-21 Connie Willis All About Emily 6 out of 10
2020-01-16 Jo Walton Lent 7 out of 10
2020-01-11 David Eddings Guardians of the West 6 out of 10
2020-01-10 Ali Davis True Porn Clerk Stories 7 out of 10
2019-12-31 Marge Piercy Woman on the Edge of Time 5 out of 10
2019-12-30 Benjamin Dreyer Dreyer's English 9 out of 10
2019-12-29 Becky Chambers To Be Taught, If Fortunate 8 out of 10
2019-12-28 Mike Isaac Super Pumped 8 out of 10
2019-12-27 Emily Guendelsberger On the Clock 10 out of 10
2019-12-26 Mark Manson The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck 6 out of 10
2019-12-25 Terry Pratchett Lords and Ladies 7 out of 10
2019-12-24 Rosamunde Pilcher The Shell Seekers 9 out of 10
2019-12-23 T. Kingfisher Swordheart 8 out of 10
2019-12-22 Seanan McGuire Once Broken Faith 8 out of 10
2019-12-19 Martha Wells Rogue Protocol 7 out of 10
2019-11-16 Julie E. Czerneda Rift in the Sky 5 out of 10
2019-11-10 P.L. Travers Mary Poppins 6 out of 10
2019-11-09 Paul Dolan Happy Ever After 7 out of 10
2019-11-04 Kate Elliott Cold Steel 6 out of 10
2019-10-31 Ilona Andrews Sweep of the Blade 8 out of 10
2019-09-30 Amal El-Mohtar & Max Gladstone This Is How You Lose the Time War 7 out of 10
2019-08-26 Catherynne M. Valente Space Opera 3 out of 10
2019-08-25 Arkady Martine A Memory Called Empire 10 out of 10
2019-08-24 Mary Robinette Kowal The Calculating Stars 9 out of 10
2019-08-23 Daniel Kahneman Thinking, Fast and Slow 7 out of 10
2019-08-20 Rebecca Roanhorse Trail of Lightning 4 out of 10
2019-08-18 Naomi Novik Spinning Silver 8 out of 10
2019-07-28 Charlie Jane Anders All the Birds in the Sky 5 out of 10
2019-06-15 James S.A. Corey Abaddon's Gate 6 out of 10
2019-05-30 John Carreyrou Bad Blood 9 out of 10
2019-05-28 N.D. Stevenson Nimona 7 out of 10
2019-05-27 Karoliina Korhonen Finnish Nightmares 7 out of 10
2019-05-26 Kate Elliott Cold Fire 7 out of 10
2019-05-25 Ann Leckie The Raven Tower 8 out of 10
2019-04-06 Michael C. Feathers Working Effectively with Legacy Code 7 out of 10
2019-03-27 James S.A. Corey Caliban's War 7 out of 10
2019-03-24 Maddox Hahn The Love Song of Numo and Hammerfist 6 out of 10
2019-02-27 Sarah Hall Daughters of the North 7 out of 10
2019-02-26 Kate Elliott Cold Magic 8 out of 10
2019-02-24 Martha Wells Artificial Condition 8 out of 10
2019-01-20 Kim Stanley Robinson New York 2140 6 out of 10
2019-01-15 walkingnorth Aerial Magic Season 1 7 out of 10
2019-01-13 T. Kingfisher The Wonder Engine 8 out of 10
2019-01-09 Philip Ball Bright Earth 7 out of 10
2018-12-31 Daniel Abraham The Dragon's Path 5 out of 10
2018-12-30 Martha Wells All Systems Red 8 out of 10
2018-12-29 T. Kingfisher Clockwork Boys 8 out of 10
2018-12-27 John Scalzi The Consuming Fire 7 out of 10
2018-12-26 Michael Oher & Don Yaeger I Beat the Odds 8 out of 10
2018-12-25 Seanan McGuire A Red-Rose Chain 7 out of 10
2018-12-24 Karl Schroeder The Million 6 out of 10
2018-12-21 K Arsenault Rivera The Phoenix Empress 6 out of 10
2018-12-18 Yoon Ha Lee Revenant Gun 7 out of 10
2018-12-17 Ryk E. Spoor Grand Central Arena 7 out of 10
2018-12-03 Seanan McGuire The Winter Long 8 out of 10
2018-12-02 Albert-László Barabási Linked 6 out of 10
2018-11-28 Michael Lewis The Blind Side 7 out of 10
2018-11-20 Jo Clayton Skeen's Leap 6 out of 10
2018-11-19 Margot Lee Shetterly Hidden Figures 8 out of 10
2018-10-31 William J. Cook In Pursuit of the Traveling Salesman 7 out of 10
2018-10-27 Becky Chambers Record of a Spaceborn Few 10 out of 10
2018-10-24 Jonathan Taplin Move Fast and Break Things 3 out of 10
2018-10-22 N.K. Jemisin The Stone Sky 9 out of 10
2018-09-17 John Scalzi The Collapsing Empire 7 out of 10
2018-09-02 Cal Newport So Good They Can't Ignore You 8 out of 10
2018-08-27 Nicola Griffith So Lucky 5 out of 10
2018-08-24 Brigid Schulte Overwhelmed 7 out of 10
2018-08-19 Julie E. Czerneda Riders of the Storm 6 out of 10
2018-07-20 Charles Duhigg The Power of Habit 6 out of 10
2018-07-15 Brett Slatkin Effective Python 6 out of 10
2018-06-23 Lee Smolin The Trouble with Physics 8 out of 10
2018-06-04 N.K. Jemisin The Obelisk Gate 9 out of 10
2018-05-29 Sheila Bair Bull by the Horns 8 out of 10
2018-05-14 Douglas Stone & Sheila Heen Thanks for the Feedback 7 out of 10
2018-05-13 Zeynep Tufekci Twitter and Tear Gas 9 out of 10
2018-05-12 Cal Newport Deep Work 8 out of 10
2018-05-11 walkingnorth Always Human 9 out of 10
2018-04-30 Steven Brust Vallista 7 out of 10
2018-04-29 Seanan McGuire Full of Briars 6 out of 10
2018-03-31 S.L. Huang Russell's Attic Interstitials 6 out of 10
2018-02-28 E. Gabriella Coleman Coding Freedom 6 out of 10
2018-01-30 Fredrik Backman My Grandmother Asked Me... 10 out of 10
2018-01-29 Julie E. Czerneda Reap the Wild Wind 7 out of 10
2018-01-28 Nadia Eghbal Roads and Bridges 7 out of 10
2017-12-31 R.E. Stearns Barbary Station 6 out of 10
2017-12-29 Melina Marchetta Saving Francesca 7 out of 10
2017-12-28 Ilona Andrews One Fell Sweep 8 out of 10
2017-12-26 K Arsenault Rivera The Tiger's Daughter 8 out of 10
2017-12-25 Paul Lockhart A Mathematician's Lament 8 out of 10
2017-12-24 Sophie Lack Dissonance 4 out of 10
2017-11-23 Elizabeth Bear Range of Ghosts 7 out of 10
2017-11-14 Melina Marchetta The Piper's Son 9 out of 10
2017-11-11 Pat Green Night Moves 8 out of 10
2017-11-04 Ilona Andrews Sweep in Peace 8 out of 10
2017-10-28 Matthew Walker Why We Sleep 9 out of 10
2017-10-27 Ann Leckie Provenance 8 out of 10
2017-10-26 Mercedes Lackey & Larry Dixon The Black Gryphon 5 out of 10
2017-10-25 Curtis C. Chen Waypoint Kangaroo 6 out of 10
2017-10-24 Ilona Andrews Clean Sweep 7 out of 10
2017-10-23 Yoon Ha Lee Raven Stratagem 6 out of 10
2017-10-22 Brian Christian & Tom Griffiths Algorithms to Live By 9 out of 10
2017-09-27 T. Kingfisher The Seventh Bride 8 out of 10
2017-09-25 Eoin Colfer Artemis Fowl 5 out of 10
2017-08-31 Julie E. Czerneda Regeneration 9 out of 10
2017-07-31 N.K. Jemisin The Fifth Season 8 out of 10
2017-06-30 Peter C. Brown, et al. Make It Stick 6 out of 10
2017-06-05 James White Star Healer 7 out of 10
2017-05-31 Julie E. Czerneda Migration 9 out of 10
2017-05-21 James White Sector General 6 out of 10
2017-05-13 T. Kingfisher The Raven and the Reindeer 8 out of 10
2017-05-07 Seanan McGuire Chimes at Midnight 8 out of 10
2017-05-01 Yoon Ha Lee Ninefox Gambit 7 out of 10
2017-04-30 Julie E. Czerneda Survival 8 out of 10
2017-04-29 Hugh Aldersey-Williams Periodic Tales 7 out of 10
2017-04-28 David Zindell Neverness 2 out of 10
2017-04-27 Terry Pratchett Small Gods 7 out of 10
2017-04-26 Jo Walton Necessity 7 out of 10
2017-04-25 Kate Thompson Zero Bugs and Program Faster 5 out of 10
2017-03-31 Max Gladstone Two Serpents Rise 7 out of 10
2017-01-31 Becky Chambers A Closed and Common Orbit 9 out of 10
2017-01-26 T. Kingfisher Summer in Orcus 8 out of 10
2017-01-14 David Eddings Enchanters' End Game 7 out of 10
2017-01-02 David Eddings Castle of Wizardry 6 out of 10
2016-12-31 Mark Forster Secrets of Productive People 9 out of 10
2016-12-30 David Eddings Magician's Gambit 8 out of 10
2016-12-29 David Eddings Queen of Sorcery 6 out of 10
2016-12-28 David Eddings Pawn of Prophecy 5 out of 10
2016-12-26 N.K. Jemisin The Kingdom of Gods 8 out of 10
2016-12-24 Fredrik Backman A Man Called Ove 10 out of 10
2016-12-23 Karin Lowachee Warchild 6 out of 10
2016-11-15 Jo Walton The Philosopher Kings 9 out of 10
2016-11-14 N.K. Jemisin The Broken Kingdoms 7 out of 10
2016-11-06 Ursula Vernon Digger 9 out of 10
2016-11-05 Jo Walton The Just City 7 out of 10
2016-10-24 Guy Gavriel Kay Lord of Emperors 10 out of 10
2016-10-23 Don Norman The Design of Everyday Things 6 out of 10
2016-10-04 Naomi Novik Uprooted 8 out of 10
2016-10-02 Mercedes Lackey Winds of Fury 6 out of 10
2016-10-01 Mercedes Lackey Winds of Change 5 out of 10
2016-09-30 Guy Gavriel Kay Sailing to Sarantium 9 out of 10
2016-08-14 Mercedes Lackey Winds of Fate 6 out of 10
2016-07-23 Jeffrey Toobin The Run of His Life 8 out of 10
2016-07-02 Jack McDevitt Coming Home 5 out of 10
2016-07-01 Seanan McGuire Ashes of Honor 8 out of 10
2016-06-20 Jenny Lawson Furiously Happy 7 out of 10
2016-06-14 Iain M. Banks Matter 8 out of 10
2016-05-30 Mercedes Lackey By the Sword 8 out of 10
2016-05-29 Andrew Groen Empires of EVE 8 out of 10
2016-05-15 Lois McMaster Bujold Gentleman Jole and the Red Queen 7 out of 10
2016-05-05 Rosemary Kirstein The Language of Power 8 out of 10
2016-05-02 Edmond Lau The Effective Engineer 7 out of 10
2016-05-01 Stieg Larsson The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo 7 out of 10
2016-04-30 Jeffrey Toobin The Oath 7 out of 10
2016-02-29 Rosemary Kirstein The Lost Steersman 8 out of 10
2016-01-31 Mercedes Lackey Oathblood 7 out of 10
2015-12-31 Seanan McGuire One Salt Sea 9 out of 10
2015-12-26 Rosemary Kirstein The Outskirter's Secret 9 out of 10
2015-12-25 Rosemary Kirstein The Steerswoman 8 out of 10
2015-10-25 Steven Brust Hawk 8 out of 10
2015-10-24 Sydney Padua ...Adventures of Lovelace and Babbage 9 out of 10
2015-10-23 Mercedes Lackey Oathbreakers 8 out of 10
2015-10-22 Elizabeth A. Lynn Watchtower 6 out of 10
2015-10-21 Randall Munroe What If? 10 out of 10
2015-10-20 Mercedes Lackey The Oathbound 6 out of 10
2015-10-15 Ann Leckie Ancillary Mercy 10 out of 10
2015-10-14 Jack McDevitt Firebird 6 out of 10
2015-10-13 Mercedes Lackey Magic's Price 6 out of 10
2015-09-22 Dean Baker & Jared Bernstein Getting Back to Full Employment 6 out of 10
2015-09-21 S.L. Huang Half Life 7 out of 10
2015-09-20 Keith Houston Shady Characters 8 out of 10
2015-09-19 Mercedes Lackey Magic's Promise 8 out of 10
2015-09-18 Mercedes Lackey Magic's Pawn 5 out of 10
2015-09-17 Cixin Liu & Ken Liu The Three-Body Problem 6 out of 10
2015-09-16 Mark Forster How to Make Your Dreams Come True 5 out of 10
2015-09-15 Katherine Addison The Goblin Emperor 8 out of 10
2015-09-14 Jenny Lawson Let's Pretend This Never Happened 9 out of 10
2015-09-13 Jo Walton My Real Children 9 out of 10
2015-09-12 Elizabeth Bear The Sea Thy Mistress 6 out of 10
2015-09-07 Jacqueline Carey Dark Currents 7 out of 10
2015-08-31 David J. Anderson Kanban 7 out of 10
2015-08-30 John J. Lumpkin Through Struggle, The Stars 6 out of 10
2015-08-29 Helaine Olen Pound Foolish 8 out of 10
2015-07-31 Barbara Ann Wright The Pyramid Waltz 6 out of 10
2015-06-07 Seanan McGuire Late Eclipses 7 out of 10
2015-05-31 Nicola Griffith Hild 8 out of 10
2015-04-19 Cary Caffrey The Girls from Alcyone 3 out of 10
2015-04-17 Becky Chambers The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet 9 out of 10
2015-04-12 S.L. Huang Zero Sum Game 7 out of 10
2015-03-23 David Lochbaum, et al. Fukushima 8 out of 10
2015-01-05 Steve McConnell Code Complete, Second Edition unfinished
2015-01-04 Ann Leckie Ancillary Sword 9 out of 10
2015-01-03 Dave Thomas, et al. Programming Ruby 8 out of 10
2015-01-02 Roger MacBride Allen The Ring of Charon 6 out of 10
2015-01-01 Paul J. Nahin An Imaginary Tale 6 out of 10
2014-12-31 Max Gladstone Three Parts Dead 8 out of 10
2014-12-27 Neal Stephenson Some Remarks 6 out of 10
2014-12-24 Ben Goldacre Bad Pharma 8 out of 10
2014-12-22 Andy Duncan & Ellen Klages Wakulla Springs 7 out of 10
2014-12-21 Hugo Awards (ed.) 2014 Hugos: Novelettes 6 out of 10
2014-09-24 L. David Marquet Turn the Ship Around! 8 out of 10
2014-09-23 Hugo Awards (ed.) 2014 Hugos: Short Story Nominees 7 out of 10
2014-08-03 Mira Grant Parasite 7 out of 10
2014-07-12 Charles Stross Neptune's Brood 8 out of 10
2014-07-01 Karl Schroeder Lockstep 7 out of 10
2014-06-30 Ann Leckie Ancillary Justice 10 out of 10
2014-06-29 Lewis Dartnell The Knowledge 9 out of 10
2014-06-28 C.S. Friedman The Wilding 4 out of 10
2014-06-27 Kevin Underhill The Emergency Sasquatch Ordinance 7 out of 10
2014-06-26 David Roodman Due Diligence 9 out of 10
2014-06-25 Peter Irons A People's History of the Supreme Court 7 out of 10
2014-06-24 Sandra Barret Face of the Enemy 5 out of 10
2014-06-01 David Graeber Debt 9 out of 10
2014-04-20 Allie Brosh Hyperbole and a Half 10 out of 10
2014-04-11 Niels Ferguson, et al. Cryptography Engineering 9 out of 10
2014-04-07 Ken Stern With Charity for All 8 out of 10
2014-03-30 David Brin Sundiver 4 out of 10
2014-02-28 Mark Monmonier Air Apparent 4 out of 10
2014-01-08 J.A. Pitts Honeyed Words 7 out of 10
2013-12-31 Joanna Russ The Female Man 6 out of 10
2013-12-28 Steven Brust & Skyler White The Incrementalists 7 out of 10
2013-12-23 Lisa O'Donnell The Death of Bees 8 out of 10
2013-12-21 Gary J. Hudson They Had to Go Out 9 out of 10
2013-11-21 Mark Forster The Pathway to Awesomeness 7 out of 10
2013-11-17 Neal Stephenson Anathem 9 out of 10
2013-11-16 Ann Aguirre Wanderlust 6 out of 10
2013-11-15 Alastair Reynolds Blue Remembered Earth 7 out of 10
2013-11-13 Laurie J. Marks Water Logic 7 out of 10
2013-11-06 John Scalzi Muse of Fire 4 out of 10
2013-11-02 Jane Fletcher The Walls of Westernfort 7 out of 10
2013-10-25 Victor Lombardi Why We Fail 7 out of 10
2013-10-23 Bruce Schneier Applied Cryptography 8 out of 10
2013-10-22 Sheryl Sandberg & Nell Scovell Lean In 7 out of 10
2013-10-09 Kim Stanley Robinson 2312 5 out of 10
2013-10-07 Ann Aguirre Grimspace 7 out of 10
2013-10-05 Lois McMaster Bujold Captain Vorpatril's Alliance 7 out of 10
2013-09-21 Saladin Ahmed Throne of the Crescent Moon 7 out of 10
2013-08-31 Seanan McGuire An Artificial Night 6 out of 10
2013-08-31 John Scalzi Redshirts 7 out of 10
2013-07-31 K.E. Lane And Playing the Role of Herself 9 out of 10
2013-06-30 Kevin Barry Dark Lies the Island 6 out of 10
2013-06-27 C.S. Friedman This Alien Shore 8 out of 10
2013-06-26 Jay Wexler The Odd Clauses 7 out of 10
2013-06-25 Guy Gavriel Kay River of Stars 9 out of 10
2013-05-29 Mark Forster Get Everything Done 8 out of 10
2013-05-28 Maurizio Lazzarato The Making of the Indebted Man 6 out of 10
2013-05-27 Sriram Srinivasan Advanced Perl Programming 5 out of 10
2013-05-03 Richard Wolff Democracy at Work 8 out of 10
2013-05-01 Neal Stephenson The System of the World 5 out of 10
2013-04-30 John Scalzi Questions for a Soldier 5 out of 10
2013-04-10 J. Robert Lennon Familiar 6 out of 10
2013-04-08 John Scalzi Judge Sn Goes Golfing 7 out of 10
2013-04-01 John Scalzi An Election 6 out of 10
2013-03-31 Jack McDevitt Echo 8 out of 10
2013-03-13 Mark Jason Dominus Higher Order Perl 8 out of 10
2013-03-11 James Alan Gardner Commitment Hour 7 out of 10
2013-02-25 Terry Pratchett Witches Abroad 8 out of 10
2013-02-24 Edmund de Waal The Hare with Amber Eyes 7 out of 10
2013-01-19 John Scalzi How I Proposed to My Wife 6 out of 10
2013-01-17 Gail Carriger Soulless 7 out of 10
2012-12-31 Jane Emerson City of Diamond 7 out of 10
2012-12-30 Lynn Galli Wasted Heart 7 out of 10
2012-12-29 Mira Grant Countdown 7 out of 10
2012-12-29 Mira Grant Blackout 7 out of 10
2012-12-28 Robin McKinley Dragonhaven 7 out of 10
2012-12-27 Damian Conway Perl Best Practices 9 out of 10
2012-12-26 Damien Broderick & Paul Di Filippo SF: The 101 Best Novels: 1985–2010 6 out of 10
2012-12-25 Elizabeth Wein Code Name Verity 10 out of 10
2012-12-24 Rebecca Solnit A Paradise Built in Hell 8 out of 10
2012-12-23 Patricia Briggs Cry Wolf 6 out of 10
2012-12-22 Patricia Briggs Alpha and Omega 7 out of 10
2012-12-21 C.J. Cherryh Regenesis 9 out of 10
2012-12-17 Bruce Schneier Liars and Outliers 8 out of 10
2012-12-07 Laura E. Reeve Peacekeeper 6 out of 10
2012-12-03 Mary Norton The Borrowers 7 out of 10
2012-11-28 Neil Gaiman American Gods 7 out of 10
2012-11-27 Adam-Troy Castro Emissaries from the Dead 7 out of 10
2012-11-23 Frank Herbert Dune 8 out of 10
2012-11-18 Iain M. Banks Inversions 6 out of 10
2012-11-17 Catherine M. Wilson A Hero's Tale 8 out of 10
2012-11-05 Dave Sim Cerebus 7 out of 10
2012-11-03 Matt Ruff Set This House in Order 10 out of 10
2012-10-27 Edward Chancellor Devil Take the Hindmost 6 out of 10
2012-10-25 Bill Willingham, et al. Fables: Legends in Exile 7 out of 10
2012-10-24 Sean Stewart Passion Play 6 out of 10
2012-10-23 Gwyneth Jones White Queen 4 out of 10
2012-10-21 John Nowak AADA Road Atlas: The East Coast 6 out of 10
2012-09-11 Jack McDevitt The Devil's Eye 7 out of 10
2012-09-05 Catherine M. Wilson A Journey of the Heart 8 out of 10
2012-09-03 Karl Schroeder Ashes of Candesce 7 out of 10
2012-09-02 China Miéville Embassytown 9 out of 10
2012-08-15 Peter Tyson Getting Started with Dwarf Fortress 8 out of 10
2012-08-10 Erich Gamma, et al. Design Patterns 6 out of 10
2012-07-12 Seanan McGuire A Local Habitation 7 out of 10
2012-07-09 Jacqueline Carey Saints Astray 6 out of 10
2012-07-06 Mira Grant Deadline 7 out of 10
2012-06-30 Posthuman Studios Eclipse Phase 9 out of 10
2012-06-29 Jack McDevitt Cauldron 5 out of 10
2012-06-26 James S.A. Corey Leviathan Wakes 7 out of 10
2012-06-25 Susan Cain Quiet 9 out of 10
2012-05-10 Suzanne Collins Mockingjay 9 out of 10
2012-05-08 Nancy Springer Larque on the Wing 8 out of 10
2012-04-30 Suzanne Collins Catching Fire 7 out of 10
2012-04-29 Jack McDevitt Odyssey 6 out of 10
2012-04-28 Suzanne Collins The Hunger Games 8 out of 10
2012-04-27 John Kenneth Galbraith The Affluent Society 9 out of 10
2012-04-25 Catherine M. Wilson The Warrior's Path 7 out of 10
2012-04-23 Sheri S. Tepper Grass 6 out of 10
2012-04-20 Eleanor Arnason A Woman of the Iron People 6 out of 10
2012-04-19 Larry Niven Ringworld 7 out of 10
2012-04-11 Candas Jane Dorsey Black Wine 8 out of 10
2012-03-31 Ken Schwaber Agile Project Management with Scrum 6 out of 10
2012-03-13 Emma Donoghue Landing 8 out of 10
2012-02-27 William Gibson Neuromancer 7 out of 10
2012-02-26 Dodie Smith I Capture the Castle 8 out of 10
2012-02-07 Michael Lewis The Big Short 8 out of 10
2012-01-27 Joshua Bloch Effective Java, Second Edition 9 out of 10
2012-01-23 Dubravka Ugrešić Baba Yaga Laid an Egg 6 out of 10
2012-01-17 Kay Kenyon Bright of the Sky 4 out of 10
2012-01-03 C.J. Cherryh Cyteen 10 out of 10
2011-12-31 Greg van Eekhout Norse Code 7 out of 10
2011-12-28 Neal Stephenson The Confusion 6 out of 10
2011-12-26 John Scalzi Agent to the Stars 6 out of 10
2011-12-24 Maureen F. McHugh China Mountain Zhang 8 out of 10
2011-12-20 Roger Zelazny The Courts of Chaos 5 out of 10
2011-12-10 Jane Jacobs Cities and the Wealth of Nations 8 out of 10
2011-12-05 Jacqueline Carey Naamah's Blessing 7 out of 10
2011-12-04 Alan Moore, et al. League of Extraordinary Gentlemen 1 6 out of 10
2011-12-03 Roger Zelazny The Hand of Oberon 7 out of 10
2011-11-17 Seanan McGuire Rosemary and Rue 8 out of 10
2011-11-15 W.T. Quick Systems 3 out of 10
2011-11-14 Jack McDevitt Omega 7 out of 10
2011-11-13 Sarah Zettel Kingdom of Cages 7 out of 10
2011-11-04 Roger Zelazny Sign of the Unicorn 7 out of 10
2011-11-03 H.F. Saint Memoirs of an Invisible Man 7 out of 10
2011-10-31 Jo Walton Lifelode 8 out of 10
2011-10-29 Iain M. Banks Excession 8 out of 10
2011-10-28 Laurie J. Marks Earth Logic 7 out of 10
2011-10-25 Henrik Kniberg Scrum and XP from the Trenches 8 out of 10
2011-10-23 Keith Laumer Worlds of the Imperium 4 out of 10
2011-10-21 Frederik Pohl & C.M. Kornbluth The Space Merchants 6 out of 10
2011-10-16 Roger Zelazny The Guns of Avalon 6 out of 10
2011-10-13 Justina Robson Keeping It Real 8 out of 10
2011-10-07 Eileen Chang The Rouge of the North 6 out of 10
2011-09-30 Richelle Mead Storm Born 4 out of 10
2011-09-28 Roger Zelazny Nine Princes in Amber 5 out of 10
2011-09-11 Richelle Mead Succubus Blues 7 out of 10
2011-09-08 Scott Lynch The Lies of Locke Lamora 8 out of 10
2011-09-06 Iain M. Banks The State of the Art 7 out of 10
2011-08-21 Ian McDonald The Dervish House 7 out of 10
2011-08-20 Steven S. Long Hero System 5th Edition 7 out of 10
2011-07-29 Jacqueline Carey Santa Olivia 8 out of 10
2011-07-28 Connie Willis All Clear 5 out of 10
2011-07-27 Lois McMaster Bujold Cryoburn 7 out of 10
2011-07-26 Mira Grant Feed 9 out of 10
2011-07-20 N.K. Jemisin The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms 7 out of 10
2011-06-12 Connie Willis Blackout 5 out of 10
2011-06-11 Anna Sewell Black Beauty 8 out of 10
2011-06-10 Elizabeth Bear Grail 8 out of 10
2011-06-05 Project Itoh Harmony 6 out of 10
2011-06-02 Malinda Lo Ash 7 out of 10
2011-06-01 Diana Wynne Jones The Lives of Christopher Chant 7 out of 10
2011-05-31 Rebecca Stead When You Reach Me 7 out of 10
2011-05-29 Jo Walton Among Others 10 out of 10
2011-05-21 Lyda Morehouse Resurrection Code 7 out of 10
2011-05-20 Steven Brust Tiassa 7 out of 10
2011-05-14 Eileen Chang The Rice-Sprout Song 6 out of 10
2011-05-10 Kelley Eskridge Solitaire 9 out of 10
2011-04-27 Arthur C. Clarke Rendezvous with Rama 3 out of 10
2011-04-26 Jack McDevitt Chindi 8 out of 10
2011-04-24 Diana Wynne Jones Charmed Life 7 out of 10
2011-04-20 C.S. Friedman In Conquest Born 6 out of 10
2011-04-14 Richard Hofstadter Anti-Intellectualism in American Life 8 out of 10
2011-03-30 Mercedes Lackey Arrow's Fall 4 out of 10
2011-03-28 Mercedes Lackey Arrow's Flight 4 out of 10
2011-03-27 Mercedes Lackey Arrows of the Queen 7 out of 10
2011-03-08 Terry Pratchett Reaper Man 7 out of 10
2011-02-28 Rory Stewart The Prince of the Marshes 10 out of 10
2011-01-31 David Levering Lewis God's Crucible 8 out of 10
2011-01-24 J.A. Pitts Black Blade Blues 8 out of 10
2010-12-31 Terry Pratchett Moving Pictures 8 out of 10
2010-12-31 Terry Pratchett Eric 7 out of 10
2010-12-31 Bethany McLean & Joe Nocera All the Devils Are Here 8 out of 10
2010-12-30 Lyda Morehouse Apocalypse Array 7 out of 10
2010-12-29 Jeffrey Toobin The Nine 8 out of 10
2010-12-20 Elizabeth Bear Bone and Jewel Creatures 9 out of 10
2010-11-30 Melissa Scott The Empress of Earth 7 out of 10
2010-11-29 John Sladek Tik-Tok 5 out of 10
2010-11-27 Michael Lewis The New New Thing 8 out of 10
2010-11-23 Guy Gavriel Kay Under Heaven 10 out of 10
2010-11-07 Melissa Scott Silence in Solitude 9 out of 10
2010-10-31 Charles de Lint Moonheart 5 out of 10
2010-10-24 Lyda Morehouse Messiah Node 6 out of 10
2010-10-23 Michael Lewis (ed.) Panic 7 out of 10
2010-10-17 Melissa Scott Five-Twelfths of Heaven 8 out of 10
2010-10-16 Terry Pratchett Pyramids 6 out of 10
2010-10-14 Elizabeth Bear Seven for a Secret 7 out of 10
2010-10-10 Lyda Morehouse Fallen Host 7 out of 10
2010-10-09 Jessica Livingston Founders at Work 8 out of 10
2010-10-06 Bruce Eckel Thinking in Java 8 out of 10
2010-09-30 Kim Harrison Dead Witch Walking 6 out of 10
2010-09-30 Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice 8 out of 10
2010-09-29 Lyda Morehouse Archangel Protocol 7 out of 10
2010-09-28 Jacqueline Carey Naamah's Curse 9 out of 10
2010-09-26 Elizabeth Bear Chill 7 out of 10
2010-09-21 Dan Simmons Olympos 8 out of 10
2010-08-28 Robert Charles Wilson Julian Comstock 6 out of 10
2010-08-21 Pamela Dean The Whim of the Dragon 8 out of 10
2010-07-30 Paolo Bacigalupi The Windup Girl 7 out of 10
2010-07-29 John Scalzi The God Engines 8 out of 10
2010-07-28 Dan Simmons Ilium 7 out of 10
2010-06-28 Robert J. Sawyer Wake 6 out of 10
2010-06-28 Mark Forster Do It Tomorrow 10 out of 10
2010-05-29 Kiyohiko Azuma Yotsuba&! 6 6 out of 10
2010-05-20 Catherynne M. Valente Palimpsest 7 out of 10
2010-05-17 Pamela Dean The Hidden Land 6 out of 10
2010-05-16 Raphael Carter The Fortunate Fall 9 out of 10
2010-05-10 Cherie Priest Boneshaker 8 out of 10
2010-05-07 Steven Brust Iorich 8 out of 10
2010-05-06 Julian May The Many-Colored Land 7 out of 10
2010-05-01 China Miéville The City & The City 9 out of 10
2010-04-30 Kiyohiko Azuma Yotsuba&! 5 6 out of 10
2010-04-29 Pamela Dean The Secret Country 6 out of 10
2010-04-28 Elizabeth Bear By the Mountain Bound 7 out of 10
2010-04-20 Jane Jacobs Dark Age Ahead 8 out of 10
2010-03-31 David Brin The Postman 4 out of 10
2010-03-31 Jane Austen Sense and Sensibility 7 out of 10
2010-03-27 Steven Brust Agyar 8 out of 10
2010-03-20 Peter L. Bernstein Against the Gods 6 out of 10
2010-03-08 Kage Baker In the Garden of Iden 7 out of 10
2010-02-27 Peter Seibel Coders at Work 10 out of 10
2010-02-27 Ursula K. Le Guin The Telling 6 out of 10
2010-01-31 John Varley Titan 4 out of 10
2010-01-31 Ursula K. Le Guin The Lathe of Heaven 7 out of 10
2010-01-29 Kiyohiko Azuma Yotsuba&! 4 6 out of 10
2010-01-05 Iain M. Banks Against a Dark Background 8 out of 10
2009-12-31 Kiyohiko Azuma Yotsuba&! 3 7 out of 10
2009-12-31 Ellen Klages The Green Glass Sea 8 out of 10
2009-12-29 Karl Schroeder The Sunless Countries 8 out of 10
2009-12-28 Kiyohiko Azuma Yotsuba&! 2 7 out of 10
2009-12-27 Jack McDevitt Deepsix 6 out of 10
2009-12-23 Marcus du Sautoy The Music of the Primes 9 out of 10
2009-12-22 Jay Lake Mainspring 6 out of 10
2009-12-21 Kiyohiko Azuma Yotsuba&! 1 7 out of 10
2009-12-21 Robin McKinley Sunshine 9 out of 10
2009-12-19 Rory Stewart The Places in Between 10 out of 10
2009-11-11 Larry Niven & Edward M. Lerner Fleet of Worlds 6 out of 10
2009-11-10 Norman Spinrad The Void Captain's Tale 6 out of 10
2009-11-09 Audrey Niffenegger The Time Traveler's Wife 8 out of 10
2009-11-08 Karen Traviss Judge 9 out of 10
2009-11-07 Stephen Baxter The Time Ships 4 out of 10
2009-11-06 George Gamow One Two Three... Infinity 9 out of 10
2009-11-05 Ursula K. Le Guin Powers 8 out of 10
2009-11-04 Karen Traviss Ally 8 out of 10
2009-11-03 Anne Bishop Tangled Webs 5 out of 10
2009-11-02 Ursula K. Le Guin Voices 10 out of 10
2009-11-01 H.G. Wells The Time Machine 6 out of 10
2009-10-27 Robin McKinley The Blue Sword 8 out of 10
2009-09-30 Barry N. Malzberg Breakfast in the Ruins 5 out of 10
2009-09-29 Ursula K. Le Guin Gifts 7 out of 10
2009-09-28 Karen Traviss Matriarch 7 out of 10
2009-09-25 Jacqueline Carey Naamah's Kiss 9 out of 10
2009-09-22 Eric Ambler A Coffin for Dimitrios 9 out of 10
2009-08-30 Robin McKinley The Hero and the Crown 6 out of 10
2009-08-24 Steven D. Levitt & Stephen J. Dubner Freakonomics 7 out of 10
2009-08-10 Dorothy L. Sayers The Nine Tailors 6 out of 10
2009-06-29 Karen Traviss The World Before 7 out of 10
2009-06-26 Cory Doctorow Little Brother 7 out of 10
2009-06-25 Nick Montfort Twisty Little Passages 7 out of 10
2009-06-23 Neil Gaiman The Graveyard Book 7 out of 10
2009-06-21 John Scalzi Zoe's Tale 8 out of 10
2009-06-18 James White Ambulance Ship 6 out of 10
2009-06-09 Jane Jacobs The Death and Life of Great American Cities 9 out of 10
2009-05-25 Karen Traviss Crossing the Line 9 out of 10
2009-05-24 Terry Pratchett Wyrd Sisters 7 out of 10
2009-05-18 Jack McDevitt The Engines of God 6 out of 10
2009-05-05 Charles Stross Saturn's Children 7 out of 10
2009-04-29 Neal Stephenson Quicksilver 5 out of 10
2009-04-20 Michael Lewis Liar's Poker 7 out of 10
2009-04-06 Ben Goldacre Bad Science 10 out of 10
2009-03-31 George Orwell Keep the Aspidistra Flying 6 out of 10
2009-02-26 Terry Pratchett Guards! Guards! 7 out of 10
2009-02-25 Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi Flow 9 out of 10
2009-02-19 Karen Traviss City of Pearl 8 out of 10
2009-02-14 John G. Hemry Against All Enemies 7 out of 10
2009-02-12 Elizabeth Bear All the Windwracked Stars 8 out of 10
2009-01-31 Frank Miller The Hard Goodbye 6 out of 10
2009-01-17 Steven Brust Brokedown Palace 8 out of 10
2009-01-15 George Orwell In Front of Your Nose (1945–1950) 9 out of 10
2009-01-04 Steven Brust Sethra Lavode 8 out of 10
2009-01-02 Paul Malmont The Chinatown Death Cloud Peril 6 out of 10
2009-01-01 Steven Brust Jhegaala 8 out of 10
2008-12-31 Elizabeth Bear Hell and Earth 7 out of 10
2008-12-30 Steven Brust The Lord of Castle Black 7 out of 10
2008-12-29 C.E. Murphy The Queen's Bastard 7 out of 10
2008-12-28 Jo Walton Half a Crown 9 out of 10
2008-12-26 Ralph Keyes Nice Guys Finish Seventh 7 out of 10
2008-11-16 George Orwell Animal Farm 9 out of 10
2008-11-11 Ellen Kushner & Delia Sherman The Fall of the Kings 6 out of 10
2008-11-02 Elizabeth Ann Scarborough Nothing Sacred 7 out of 10
2008-11-01 John G. Hemry Rule of Evidence 8 out of 10
2008-10-31 Steven Brust Dzur 8 out of 10
2008-10-30 Steven Brust The Paths of the Dead 6 out of 10
2008-10-29 John G. Hemry Burden of Proof 8 out of 10
2008-10-28 Steven Brust Five Hundred Years After 7 out of 10
2008-10-24 George Orwell As I Please (1943–1945) 9 out of 10
2008-10-22 Steven Brust Issola 8 out of 10
2008-10-21 Steven Brust The Phoenix Guards 7 out of 10
2008-10-20 Steven Brust Dragon 7 out of 10
2008-10-19 Elizabeth Bear Ink and Steel 8 out of 10
2008-10-18 Isaac Asimov Pebble in the Sky 4 out of 10
2008-10-12 Walter Jon Williams City on Fire 8 out of 10
2008-09-22 George Orwell My Country Right or Left (1940–1943) 7 out of 10
2008-09-07 Steven Brust Orca 8 out of 10
2008-09-07 Steven Brust Athyra 6 out of 10
2008-09-06 Steven Brust Phoenix 8 out of 10
2008-09-06 Karl Schroeder Pirate Sun 7 out of 10
2008-09-05 George Orwell Homage to Catalonia 9 out of 10
2008-09-03 Catherine Asaro Schism 5 out of 10
2008-09-02 Terry Pratchett Sourcery 8 out of 10
2008-09-02 Steven Brust Taltos 8 out of 10
2008-09-01 Sheri S. Tepper A Plague of Angels 6 out of 10
2008-08-30 George Orwell The Road to Wigan Pier 8 out of 10
2008-08-24 David Langford The Complete Critical Assembly 7 out of 10
2008-08-18 Richard P. Feynman What Do You Care...? 7 out of 10
2008-07-25 Richard P. Feynman Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman! 9 out of 10
2008-07-05 George Orwell An Age Like This (1920–1940) 9 out of 10
2008-06-30 Jacqueline Carey Kushiel's Mercy 8 out of 10
2008-06-29 Barry Hughart Bridge of Birds 9 out of 10
2008-06-28 Zenna Henderson The People: No Different Flesh 6 out of 10
2008-06-25 Iain M. Banks Use of Weapons 8 out of 10
2008-06-23 Malcolm Gladwell The Tipping Point 9 out of 10
2008-06-09 Steven Brust Teckla 7 out of 10
2008-06-01 John Scalzi The Last Colony 7 out of 10
2008-05-30 Robert J. Sawyer Rollback 6 out of 10
2008-05-28 Zenna Henderson Pilgrimage 7 out of 10
2008-05-27 Michael Chabon The Yiddish Policemen's Union 10 out of 10
2008-05-26 John Scalzi The Ghost Brigades 6 out of 10
2008-05-17 Nassim Nicholas Taleb Fooled by Randomness 9 out of 10
2008-05-05 Mark Monmonier How to Lie with Maps 6 out of 10
2008-04-29 Ian McDonald Brasyl 7 out of 10
2008-04-10 Cecilia Dart-Thornton The Battle of Evernight 6 out of 10
2008-04-09 Nassim Nicholas Taleb The Black Swan 9 out of 10
2008-04-08 Jerome Groopman, M.D. How Doctors Think 7 out of 10
2008-03-18 Jack McDevitt Seeker 8 out of 10
2008-03-15 Julie E. Czerneda Hidden in Sight 7 out of 10
2008-03-10 Jack McDevitt Polaris 7 out of 10
2008-03-09 Colin Thubron The Lost Heart of Asia 7 out of 10
2008-03-04 Allen M. Steele Galaxy Blues 5 out of 10
2008-02-24 Jack McDevitt A Talent for War 7 out of 10
2008-02-20 Toni Morrison Playing in the Dark 7 out of 10
2008-02-14 Guy Gavriel Kay Tigana 8 out of 10
2008-02-01 Elizabeth Bear Dust 8 out of 10
2008-01-29 Cecilia Dart-Thornton The Lady of the Sorrows 6 out of 10
2008-01-27 Edward James & Farah Mendlesohn The Cambridge Companion to SF 7 out of 10
2008-01-19 Terry Pratchett Mort 7 out of 10
2008-01-17 Alice Munro Runaway 6 out of 10
2008-01-10 Laurie J. Marks Fire Logic 8 out of 10
2008-01-06 C.E. Murphy Urban Shaman 7 out of 10
2008-01-05 Terry Pratchett Equal Rites 7 out of 10
2007-12-31 Geoff Ryman The King's Last Song 10 out of 10
2007-12-30 Terry Pratchett The Light Fantastic 6 out of 10
2007-12-26 C.J. Cherryh Fires of Azeroth 7 out of 10
2007-12-23 Terry Pratchett The Colour of Magic 6 out of 10
2007-12-22 Charles Stross Halting State 7 out of 10
2007-12-16 Sarah Monette & Elizabeth Bear A Companion to Wolves 10 out of 10
2007-12-15 Naomi Novik Empire of Ivory 6 out of 10
2007-12-14 Jo Walton Ha'penny 9 out of 10
2007-12-09 Kiyohiko Azuma Azumanga Daioh: The Omnibus 7 out of 10
2007-11-30 Cecilia Dart-Thornton The Ill-Made Mute 6 out of 10
2007-11-29 Ellen Kushner Swordspoint 9 out of 10
2007-11-05 Hal Duncan Ink 7 out of 10
2007-11-04 Lois McMaster Bujold Diplomatic Immunity 8 out of 10
2007-11-03 Severna Park The Annunciate 6 out of 10
2007-11-02 John G. Hemry A Just Determination 8 out of 10
2007-11-01 Patricia Wrede & Caroline Stevermer Sorcery and Cecelia 7 out of 10
2007-10-31 C.J. Cherryh Well of Shiuan 5 out of 10
2007-10-30 C.J. Cherryh Gate of Ivrel 5 out of 10
2007-10-29 Julie E. Czerneda Changing Vision 7 out of 10
2007-10-26 John Barnes Finity 6 out of 10
2007-10-25 Bethany McLean & Peter Elkind The Smartest Guys in the Room 9 out of 10
2007-10-24 Alexander McCall Smith The No.1 Ladies' Detective Agency 6 out of 10
2007-10-23 Fred Saberhagen Ardneh's Sword 5 out of 10
2007-10-22 Lois McMaster Bujold A Civil Campaign 9 out of 10
2007-10-21 Jo Walton Tooth and Claw 9 out of 10
2007-10-20 Connie Willis Fire Watch 7 out of 10
2007-10-19 Edward Gorey The Gashlycrumb Tinies 9 out of 10
2007-10-18 Hanne Blank Virgin 8 out of 10
2007-10-15 Berkeley Breathed Politically... Incorrect 6 out of 10
2007-10-12 George Alec Effinger The Zork Chronicles 3 out of 10
2007-10-01 Karl Schroeder Queen of Candesce 8 out of 10
2007-09-30 Greg Bear The Serpent Mage 5 out of 10
2007-09-23 Richard Carlson, Ph.D. Don't Sweat the Small Stuff 5 out of 10
2007-09-19 Chris Moriarty Spin Control 9 out of 10
2007-09-17 Elizabeth Bear Undertow 7 out of 10
2007-09-16 Neal Asher Gridlinked 6 out of 10
2007-09-13 Edward R. Tufte The Cognitive Style of PowerPoint 9 out of 10
2007-08-26 Patricia A. McKillip Harpist in the Wind 8 out of 10
2007-08-22 Joss Whedon, et al. Serenity: Those Left Behind 5 out of 10
2007-08-20 Edward R. Tufte Visual Explanations 8 out of 10
2007-08-16 Steven Brust Yendi 6 out of 10
2007-08-12 Greg Bear The Infinity Concerto 4 out of 10
2007-08-10 Patricia A. McKillip Heir of Sea and Fire 6 out of 10
2007-08-06 Patricia A. McKillip The Riddle-Master of Hed 6 out of 10
2007-08-05 Robert A. Heinlein Glory Road 3 out of 10
2007-08-03 Elizabeth Bear Whiskey and Water 8 out of 10
2007-07-22 Jacqueline Carey Kushiel's Justice 9 out of 10
2007-07-15 Frederik Pohl Slave Ship 6 out of 10
2007-07-14 James Clavell Shōgun 8 out of 10
2007-07-01 Fred Saberhagen Empire of the East 7 out of 10
2007-06-30 Elizabeth Bear New Amsterdam 7 out of 10
2007-06-29 Fred Saberhagen The Third Book of Swords 7 out of 10
2007-06-14 Chris Moriarty Spin State 8 out of 10
2007-06-11 Fred Saberhagen The Second Book of Swords 6 out of 10
2007-05-31 J.R.R. Tolkien The Children of Húrin 6 out of 10
2007-05-28 Fred Saberhagen The First Book of Swords 5 out of 10
2007-05-28 Nicola Griffith Always 9 out of 10
2007-05-24 Guy Gavriel Kay Ysabel 7 out of 10
2007-05-21 Karl Sabbagh Dr. Riemann's Zeros 8 out of 10
2007-05-20 Pamela Dean Tam Lin 7 out of 10
2007-05-05 Felix Salten Bambi 10 out of 10
2007-05-02 Michael Moorcock Wizardry & Wild Romance 8 out of 10
2007-04-30 Arthur C. Clarke The City and the Stars 6 out of 10
2007-04-26 M.M. Buckner Hyperthought 6 out of 10
2007-04-23 Michael Flynn Eifelheim 7 out of 10
2007-04-17 Charles de Lint Mulengro 6 out of 10
2007-04-15 Robert Solomon & Fernando Flores Building Trust 7 out of 10
2007-04-11 Julie E. Czerneda Beholder's Eye 7 out of 10
2007-04-09 Peter Watts Blindsight 7 out of 10
2007-04-08 Charles Stross Glasshouse 9 out of 10
2007-04-05 David Allen Ready for Anything 7 out of 10
2007-03-30 Vernor Vinge Rainbows End 6 out of 10
2007-03-19 Charles Stross The Atrocity Archives 7 out of 10
2007-03-19 Elizabeth Moon The Speed of Dark 9 out of 10
2007-03-12 Robert J. Sawyer The Terminal Experiment 2 out of 10
2007-03-10 Neil Gaiman Coraline 7 out of 10
2007-03-05 Neil Gaiman & Charles Vess Stardust 8 out of 10
2007-03-01 Brian Michael Bendis, et al. Ultimate Fantastic Four Volume 1 7 out of 10
2007-02-25 Greg Bear Moving Mars 8 out of 10
2007-02-20 Michael Bishop No Enemy But Time 5 out of 10
2007-02-12 John Berendt The City of Falling Angels 8 out of 10
2007-02-08 Pat Murphy The Falling Woman 8 out of 10
2007-02-01 Vonda N. McIntyre The Moon and the Sun 8 out of 10
2007-01-28 Anthony Grafton The Footnote 5 out of 10
2007-01-22 Michael Swanwick Stations of the Tide 6 out of 10
2007-01-20 Greg Bear Darwin's Radio 7 out of 10
2007-01-14 Simon Singh Fermat's Enigma 6 out of 10
2007-01-11 Elizabeth Ann Scarborough The Healer's War 8 out of 10
2007-01-05 Joe Haldeman Camouflage 7 out of 10
2007-01-04 Frederik Pohl Man Plus 6 out of 10
2007-01-03 Laurell K. Hamilton Mistral's Kiss 6 out of 10
2007-01-02 Neal Stephenson Cryptonomicon 9 out of 10
2006-12-28 James White Major Operation 6 out of 10
2006-12-27 Lois McMaster Bujold Komarr 9 out of 10
2006-12-26 James White Star Surgeon 6 out of 10
2006-12-24 James White Hospital Station 6 out of 10
2006-12-23 Julie E. Czerneda To Trade the Stars 7 out of 10
2006-12-22 Samuel R. Delany Silent Interviews 6 out of 10
2006-12-18 Susan Cooper Silver on the Tree 7 out of 10
2006-12-17 Laurell K. Hamilton A Stroke of Midnight 8 out of 10
2006-12-12 Elizabeth Bear Carnival 7 out of 10
2006-12-10 Susan Cooper The Grey King 7 out of 10
2006-12-07 Susan Cooper Greenwitch 5 out of 10
2006-12-04 Norton Juster The Dot & the Line 8 out of 10
2006-11-30 Hope Mirrlees Lud-in-the-Mist 7 out of 10
2006-11-13 Alan Moore & David Lloyd V for Vendetta 8 out of 10
2006-11-12 Sarah Monette Mélusine 7 out of 10
2006-11-05 Barbara Bickmore Distant Star 3 out of 10
2006-10-31 Elizabeth Hand Mortal Love 7 out of 10
2006-10-29 Jo Walton Farthing 8 out of 10
2006-10-28 Sam Harris Letter to a Christian Nation 6 out of 10
2006-10-27 Robert M. Pirsig Lila 8 out of 10
2006-10-25 Anne Tyler A Patchwork Planet 7 out of 10
2006-10-25 Steven Brust To Reign in Hell 7 out of 10
2006-10-24 Richard K. Morgan Broken Angels 7 out of 10
2006-10-23 Ian McDonald River of Gods 6 out of 10
2006-10-20 Lois McMaster Bujold Memory 6 out of 10
2006-10-19 Daniel Keys Moran The Last Dancer 8 out of 10
2006-10-18 George Alec Effinger When Gravity Fails 6 out of 10
2006-10-16 Harper Lee To Kill a Mockingbird 9 out of 10
2006-10-15 Ellen Raskin The Westing Game 8 out of 10
2006-10-12 Julie Phillips James Tiptree, Jr. 9 out of 10
2006-10-10 James Thurber The 13 Clocks 6 out of 10
2006-10-08 William Strunk Jr. & E.B. White The Elements of Style 10 out of 10
2006-10-01 John M. Ford Growing Up Weightless 8 out of 10
2006-09-30 Elizabeth Bear The Chains That You Refuse 7 out of 10
2006-09-28 Duncan Steel Marking Time 7 out of 10
2006-09-24 Dodie Smith The Starlight Barking 7 out of 10
2006-09-18 Jonathan Lethem Gun, With Occasional Music 6 out of 10
2006-09-17 Nicola Griffith Stay 10 out of 10
2006-09-12 George R.R. Martin A Feast for Crows 5 out of 10
2006-09-11 Neil Gaiman, et al. Neil Gaiman's Midnight Days 6 out of 10
2006-08-31 Laurence Peter & Raymond Hull The Peter Principle 4 out of 10
2006-08-27 Nicola Griffith The Blue Place 9 out of 10
2006-08-22 Cynthia Felice & Connie Willis Water Witch 5 out of 10
2006-08-14 Walter Jon Williams Metropolitan 7 out of 10
2006-08-12 Charlaine Harris Dead Until Dark 7 out of 10
2006-08-06 Joseph Heller Catch-22 7 out of 10
2006-08-05 Elizabeth Bear Blood and Iron 8 out of 10
2006-07-29 Dodie Smith The Hundred and One Dalmatians 5 out of 10
2006-07-26 Samuel R. Delany About Writing 9 out of 10
2006-07-22 James Alan Gardner Ascending 7 out of 10
2006-07-17 Steven Brust Jhereg 7 out of 10
2006-07-14 Elizabeth Bear Worldwired 8 out of 10
2006-07-11 Elizabeth Bear Scardown 8 out of 10
2006-07-10 Jacqueline Carey Kushiel's Scion 8 out of 10
2006-07-09 Naomi Novik Black Powder War 7 out of 10
2006-07-07 Elizabeth Bear Hammered 8 out of 10
2006-07-06 Naomi Novik Throne of Jade 6 out of 10
2006-07-04 Robert Silverberg A Time of Changes 5 out of 10
2006-06-28 Naomi Novik His Majesty's Dragon 7 out of 10
2006-06-26 Karl Schroeder Sun of Suns 7 out of 10
2006-06-21 Nicola Griffith Slow River 9 out of 10
2006-06-20 Laurell K. Hamilton Micah 5 out of 10
2006-06-19 James Patrick Kelly Burn 6 out of 10
2006-06-07 George R.R. Martin A Storm of Swords 7 out of 10
2006-06-05 David Langford The SEX Column 7 out of 10
2006-06-04 John Scalzi Old Man's War 6 out of 10
2006-05-15 Ken MacLeod Learning the World 7 out of 10
2006-05-13 George R.R. Martin A Clash of Kings 6 out of 10
2006-04-30 David Allen Getting Things Done 9 out of 10
2006-04-29 Neil Gaiman & Yoshitaka Amano The Sandman: The Dream Hunters 6 out of 10
2006-04-18 George R.R. Martin A Game of Thrones 7 out of 10
2006-04-09 Sharon Shinn Jovah's Angel 6 out of 10
2006-04-05 Octavia E. Butler Parable of the Talents 8 out of 10
2006-04-04 Mark Kurlansky Salt: A World History 6 out of 10
2006-04-02 Thomas A. Limoncelli Time Management for Sysadmins 10 out of 10
2006-03-26 Robert Charles Wilson Spin 7 out of 10
2006-03-25 Susan Cooper The Dark is Rising 8 out of 10
2006-03-18 Sheri S. Tepper Beauty 6 out of 10
2006-03-12 Octavia E. Butler Parable of the Sower 9 out of 10
2006-03-05 Mark Haddon ...the Dog in the Night-Time 8 out of 10
2006-02-26 Helen Cresswell Bagthorpes Haunted 8 out of 10
2006-02-25 Madeleine L'Engle A Wind in the Door 6 out of 10
2006-02-22 Madeleine L'Engle A Wrinkle in Time 6 out of 10
2006-02-19 Paul J. McAuley Fairyland 4 out of 10
2006-02-13 Geoff Ryman Air 10 out of 10
2006-01-31 Teresa Nielsen Hayden Making Book 8 out of 10
2006-01-30 Robert Louis Stevenson Kidnapped 7 out of 10
2006-01-28 Robert M. Pirsig Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance 9 out of 10
2006-01-22 Kristen Britain Green Rider 4 out of 10
2006-01-20 James Gleick Faster 7 out of 10
2006-01-15 Peter S. Beagle The Last Unicorn 7 out of 10
2006-01-10 Laurell K. Hamilton Incubus Dreams 6 out of 10
2006-01-08 Charles Stross Accelerando 8 out of 10
2005-12-30 Neil Gaiman Anansi Boys 9 out of 10
2005-12-29 Kim Stanley Robinson Blue Mars 5 out of 10
2005-12-27 Lois McMaster Bujold The Hallowed Hunt 8 out of 10
2005-12-20 Nina Kiriki Hoffman A Fistful of Sky 7 out of 10
2005-12-19 Neal Stephenson The Diamond Age 7 out of 10
2005-12-13 Hal Duncan Vellum 9 out of 10
2005-11-29 Neal Stephenson Snow Crash 9 out of 10
2005-11-27 Kenneth J. Harvey The Town That Forgot How to Breathe 5 out of 10
2005-11-25 Neal Stephenson Zodiac 7 out of 10
2005-11-22 John Brunner Stand on Zanzibar 8 out of 10
2005-11-21 Gary K. Wolfe Soundings 7 out of 10
2005-11-18 Iain M. Banks The Player of Games 9 out of 10
2005-11-08 Jane Yolen Cards of Grief 6 out of 10
2005-11-03 Philip Pullman The Amber Spyglass 7 out of 10
2005-11-02 Kim Stanley Robinson Green Mars 6 out of 10
2005-10-30 Philip Pullman The Subtle Knife 7 out of 10
2005-10-28 Rex Stout And Four to Go 7 out of 10
2005-10-27 Philip Pullman The Golden Compass 8 out of 10
2005-10-27 Lois McMaster Bujold Falling Free 7 out of 10
2005-10-26 Kim Stanley Robinson Red Mars 5 out of 10
2005-10-25 Janet E. Morris High Couch of Silistra 2 out of 10
2005-10-25 Lois McMaster Bujold Mirror Dance 8 out of 10
2005-10-21 Carolyn Parkhurst The Dogs of Babel 9 out of 10
2005-10-21 Lois McMaster Bujold Brothers in Arms 7 out of 10
2005-10-20 Charles Stross Iron Sunrise 8 out of 10
2005-10-20 Robert A. Heinlein Starship Troopers 4 out of 10
2005-10-17 Jon Courtenay Grimwood Stamping Butterflies 8 out of 10
2005-10-13 Mark Clifton & Frank Riley The Forever Machine 3 out of 10
2005-10-12 Howard Zinn A People's History of the United States 8 out of 10
2005-10-09 Richard K. Morgan Altered Carbon 7 out of 10
2005-10-01 Robert A. Heinlein The Moon is a Harsh Mistress 6 out of 10
2005-09-28 Jennifer Roberson Sword-Sworn 7 out of 10
2005-09-25 Diana Wynne Jones The Tough Guide to Fantasyland 7 out of 10
2005-09-17 Karl Schroeder Lady of Mazes 10 out of 10
2005-09-17 David Langford Up Through an Empty House of Stars 8 out of 10
2005-09-15 Susanna Clarke Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell 8 out of 10
2005-09-11 Diane Duane So You Want to Be a Wizard 7 out of 10
2005-09-09 Helen Cresswell Bagthorpes Abroad 8 out of 10
2005-09-05 Fritz Leiber The Wanderer 4 out of 10
2005-08-22 Lois McMaster Bujold Borders of Infinity 6 out of 10
2005-08-21 Lois McMaster Bujold Ethan of Athos 5 out of 10
2005-08-20 Lois McMaster Bujold Cetaganda 7 out of 10
2005-08-19 Lois McMaster Bujold The Vor Game 7 out of 10
2005-08-17 Matthew Rossi Things That Never Were 4 out of 10
2005-08-16 Lois McMaster Bujold The Warrior's Apprentice 7 out of 10
2005-08-15 Jennifer Roberson Sword-Born 8 out of 10
2005-08-11 Jennifer Roberson Sword-Breaker 7 out of 10
2005-08-07 Philip José Farmer To Your Scattered Bodies Go 2 out of 10
2005-08-06 Jennifer Roberson Sword-Maker 7 out of 10
2005-07-31 Jennifer Roberson Sword-Singer 6 out of 10
2005-07-29 Jennifer Roberson Sword-Dancer 7 out of 10
2005-07-26 Robert A. Heinlein Double Star 6 out of 10
2005-07-24 Philip K. Dick The Man in the High Castle 7 out of 10
2005-07-21 Fritz Leiber The Big Time 5 out of 10
2005-07-16 Joan D. Vinge The Snow Queen 6 out of 10
2005-07-08 Ursula K. Le Guin The Dispossessed 8 out of 10
2005-06-30 Guy Gavriel Kay The Last Light of the Sun 9 out of 10
2005-06-26 Michael Marshall Smith Only Forward 9 out of 10
2005-06-25 Pat Cadigan Synners 6 out of 10
2005-06-19 Joe Haldeman Forever Peace 7 out of 10
2005-06-19 Kelley Armstrong Bitten 7 out of 10
2005-06-16 Rudy Rucker Software 3 out of 10
2005-06-08 Gregory Benford Timescape 5 out of 10
2005-06-04 Nicola Griffith Ammonite 8 out of 10
2005-05-30 Dave Langford The Silence of the Langford 9 out of 10
2005-05-30 Samuel R. Delany The Einstein Intersection 5 out of 10
2005-05-22 Charles de Lint Jack, the Giant-Killer 7 out of 10
2005-05-13 Lois McMaster Bujold Paladin of Souls 8 out of 10
2005-05-03 Robin Wilson Four Colors Suffice 6 out of 10
2005-05-01 Lois McMaster Bujold The Curse of Chalion 8 out of 10
2005-04-28 Charles Stross Singularity Sky 7 out of 10
2005-04-27 Anne Bishop Dreams Made Flesh 9 out of 10
2005-04-26 Helen Cresswell Bagthorpes V. the World 7 out of 10
2005-04-25 Suzy McKee Charnas Walk to the End of the World 3 out of 10
2005-04-20 Helen Cresswell Bagthorpes Unlimited 7 out of 10
2005-04-08 Helen Cresswell Absolute Zero 8 out of 10
2005-04-07 Ellen Kushner Thomas the Rhymer 9 out of 10
2005-04-05 Anne Bishop Queen of the Darkness 8 out of 10
2005-04-04 Anne Bishop Heir to the Shadows 8 out of 10
2005-04-03 Anne Bishop Daughter of the Blood 7 out of 10
2005-04-01 Charles Sheffield Brother to Dragons 7 out of 10
2005-03-28 Christopher Priest The Book on the Edge of Forever 6 out of 10
2005-03-26 John Crowley Little, Big 8 out of 10
2005-03-25 Alexei Panshin Rite of Passage 5 out of 10
2005-03-22 Alfred Bester The Stars My Destination 8 out of 10
2005-03-20 Iain M. Banks Consider Phlebas 7 out of 10
2005-03-13 Karen Armstrong A History of God 6 out of 10
2005-03-05 Sharon Shinn Jenna Starborn 7 out of 10
2005-02-27 Brian Michael Bendis, et al. Ultimate Marvel Team-Up 6 out of 10
2005-02-22 Brian Michael Bendis, et al. Ultimate Spider-Man Collection 7 out of 10
2005-02-21 Lynne Truss Eats, Shoots & Leaves 7 out of 10
2005-02-20 Lynn Flewelling Hidden Warrior 6 out of 10
2005-02-17 Clifford D. Simak Way Station 8 out of 10
2005-02-10 Neil Gaiman, et al. The Sandman: Endless Nights 7 out of 10
2005-02-02 James Alan Gardner Expendable 5 out of 10
2005-01-30 Ursula K. Le Guin The Other Wind 8 out of 10
2005-01-30 Larissa Lai When Fox Is a Thousand 7 out of 10
2005-01-23 Tim Powers Declare 5 out of 10
2005-01-17 Ursula K. Le Guin Tales from Earthsea 7 out of 10
2005-01-03 James Blish A Case of Conscience 1 out of 10
2005-01-02 Vonda N. McIntyre Dreamsnake 7 out of 10
2004-12-31 Ursula K. Le Guin Tehanu 9 out of 10
2004-12-30 Yann Martel Life of Pi 9 out of 10
2004-12-28 Dan Simmons The Rise of Endymion 9 out of 10
2004-12-26 Dan Simmons Endymion 7 out of 10
2004-12-21 Dan Simmons The Fall of Hyperion 8 out of 10
2004-12-16 Dan Simmons Hyperion 10 out of 10
2004-12-13 Ursula K. Le Guin The Farthest Shore 8 out of 10
2004-12-08 John M. Ford The Dragon Waiting 6 out of 10
2004-12-07 Ursula K. Le Guin The Tombs of Atuan 10 out of 10
2004-12-01 Helen Cresswell Ordinary Jack 7 out of 10
2004-11-29 Ursula K. Le Guin A Wizard of Earthsea 6 out of 10
2004-11-25 Jo Walton The King's Name 7 out of 10
2004-11-24 J.K. Rowling Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 2 out of 10
2004-11-24 J.K. Rowling Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 4 out of 10
2004-11-24 J.K. Rowling Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire 3 out of 10
2004-11-24 J.K. Rowling Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone 3 out of 10
2004-11-23 Brian Greene The Elegant Universe 9 out of 10
2004-11-17 Jo Walton The King's Peace 6 out of 10
2004-11-15 Alastair Reynolds Revelation Space 6 out of 10
2004-11-09 Fred Saberhagen Thorn 4 out of 10
2004-10-27 Charles de Lint Dreams Underfoot 7 out of 10
2004-10-25 M. John Harrison Light 7 out of 10
2004-10-22 Ursula K. Le Guin The Left Hand of Darkness 8 out of 10
2004-10-19 Laurell K. Hamilton Cerulean Sins 7 out of 10
2004-10-19 Julie E. Czerneda Ties of Power 6 out of 10
2004-10-18 Daniel Keyes Flowers for Algernon 8 out of 10
2004-10-13 Terry Goodkind Faith of the Fallen 4 out of 10
2004-10-12 Roger Zelazny This Immortal 7 out of 10
2004-10-06 Walter M. Miller, Jr. A Canticle for Leibowitz 6 out of 10
2004-10-04 Kate Wilhelm Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang 5 out of 10
2004-10-02 Frederik Pohl Gateway 7 out of 10
2004-09-30 Alfred Bester The Demolished Man 7 out of 10
2004-09-29 Daniel Keys Moran Emerald Eyes 8 out of 10
2004-09-27 Lynn Flewelling The Bone Doll's Twin 6 out of 10
2004-09-24 Michael Lewis Moneyball 9 out of 10
2004-09-21 Julie E. Czerneda A Thousand Words for Stranger 7 out of 10
2004-09-18 James H. Schmitz Telzey Amberdon 6 out of 10
2004-09-16 Mary Doria Russell The Sparrow 8 out of 10
2004-09-12 Robert Borski Solar Labyrinth 8 out of 10
2004-09-10 Gene Wolfe The Urth of the New Sun 5 out of 10
2004-09-06 China Miéville Perdido Street Station 9 out of 10
2004-08-23 Samuel R. Delany Babel-17 7 out of 10
2004-08-02 Arthur C. Clarke The Fountains of Paradise 8 out of 10
2004-08-02 Connie Willis To Say Nothing of the Dog 7 out of 10
2004-07-26 Chaz Brenchley Hand of the King's Evil 6 out of 10
2004-07-26 Chaz Brenchley The End of All Roads 7 out of 10
2004-07-24 Charles de Lint Waifs and Strays 8 out of 10
2004-07-12 David Brin Kiln People 5 out of 10
2004-07-09 Bill Bryson The Mother Tongue 8 out of 10
2004-07-09 Ken MacLeod Cosmonaut Keep 6 out of 10
2004-07-05 Chaz Brenchley Feast of the King's Shadow 7 out of 10
2004-07-05 Karl Schroeder Ventus 7 out of 10
2004-07-02 Norton Juster The Phantom Tollbooth 10 out of 10
2004-07-02 Georgette Heyer These Old Shades 7 out of 10
2004-06-28 Gene Wolfe The Citadel of the Autarch 7 out of 10
2004-06-26 Chaz Brenchley A Dark Way to Glory 6 out of 10
2004-06-26 Gene Wolfe The Sword of the Lictor 7 out of 10
2004-06-17 Gene Wolfe The Claw of the Conciliator 8 out of 10
2004-06-14 Gene Wolfe The Shadow of the Torturer 8 out of 10
2004-06-13 Neal Stephenson The Big U 5 out of 10
2004-06-05 Daniel Keys Moran The Long Run 9 out of 10
2004-06-01 Diana Wynne Jones Hexwood 5 out of 10
2004-06-01 Susan Cooper Over Sea, Under Stone 7 out of 10
2004-05-30 Roger Zelazny Lord of Light 7 out of 10
2004-05-30 Sean Stewart Nobody's Son 8 out of 10
2004-05-24 Theodore Sturgeon More Than Human 6 out of 10
2004-05-24 Charles de Lint Someplace to Be Flying 10 out of 10
2004-05-11 Sharon Shinn Archangel 8 out of 10
2004-05-11 Robert J. Sawyer Hominids 4 out of 10
2004-05-08 Peter Watts Maelstrom 6 out of 10
2004-05-08 Edward R. Tufte Envisioning Information 8 out of 10
2004-05-03 Peter Watts Starfish 7 out of 10
2004-04-26 David R. Palmer Emergence 9 out of 10
2004-04-24 Karl Schroeder Permanence 9 out of 10
2004-04-24 Carol Emshwiller The Mount 7 out of 10
2004-04-16 Chaz Brenchley Tower of the King's Daughter 6 out of 10
2004-04-16 R.A. Salvatore Homeland 4 out of 10
2004-04-12 Poul Anderson Operation Chaos 7 out of 10
2004-04-12 Jack Vance The Dying Earth 3 out of 10
2004-04-05 Lois McMaster Bujold Barrayar 6 out of 10
2004-04-04 Lois McMaster Bujold Shards of Honor 4 out of 10
2004-03-29 Joe Haldeman The Forever War 7 out of 10
2004-03-25 Jacqueline Carey Kushiel's Avatar 10 out of 10
2004-03-20 Chaz Brenchley The Devil in the Dust 5 out of 10
2004-03-01 Laurell K. Hamilton Seduced by Moonlight 8 out of 10
2004-03-01 Catherine Asaro Skyfall 7 out of 10
2004-02-24 Catherine Asaro The Moon's Shadow 6 out of 10
2004-02-24 C.J. Cherryh Downbelow Station 6 out of 10
2004-02-16 Catherine Asaro Spherical Harmonic 8 out of 10
2004-02-09 Iain M. Banks Look to Windward 7 out of 10
2004-02-09 Catherine Asaro The Quantum Rose 7 out of 10
2004-01-24 Dan Brown The Da Vinci Code 6 out of 10
2003-12-31 Vernor Vinge A Deepness in the Sky 8 out of 10
2003-12-17 Vernor Vinge A Fire Upon the Deep 7 out of 10
2003-11-26 Connie Willis Doomsday Book 8 out of 10
2003-11-22 China Miéville The Scar 9 out of 10
2003-10-25 Jacqueline Carey Kushiel's Chosen 9 out of 10
2003-10-25 Jacqueline Carey Kushiel's Dart 9 out of 10
2003-10-24 Connie Willis Lincoln's Dreams 7 out of 10
2003-10-01 Laurell K. Hamilton Nightseer 6 out of 10
2003-09-29 Connie Willis Bellwether 8 out of 10
2003-09-29 Kim Stanley Robinson The Years of Rice and Salt 6 out of 10
2003-09-10 Jill Thompson Death: At Death's Door 7 out of 10
2003-08-23 Michael Swanwick Bones of the Earth 6 out of 10
2003-08-20 David Weber On Basilisk Station 3 out of 10

When there is more than one book review in one day, the books are not listed in any particular order. In some cases, I've later rewritten a review to improve it. In that case, the date listed here is the date of the rewritten review rather than the original one.

Last modified and spun 2024-05-01