SFF Multiple Award Winners

This is a list of books that won multiple SFF awards, listed in order of the number of awards they won and then author and title, with my ratings and links to my reviews where available. After each title is a list of abbreviations giving the awards that it won linked to the full list of winners of that award and the explanation of its judging criteria.

While winning more than one award does seem to weed out some of the lowest ratings, it's not a guarantee that I'll particularly like the book. Also, there doesn't seem to be a strong correlation between my opinion of a book and the number of awards it won after the second; the books winning three awards (or four awards) seem to have around the same average rating as the books winning two awards.

Paolo Bacigalupi The Windup Girl H N L1 Co Cm 7 out of 10
Arthur C. Clarke Rendezvous with Rama H N LS Cm BS 3 out of 10
Ann Leckie Ancillary Justice H N L1 Cl BS 10 out of 10
China Miéville The City & The City H WF LF Cl BS 9 out of 10
Naomi Novik Uprooted N LF M BF 8 out of 10
Frederik Pohl Gateway H N LS Cm 7 out of 10
Geoff Ryman Air O Cl BS S 10 out of 10
Isaac Asimov The Gods Themselves H N LS 7 out of 10
Stephen Baxter The Time Ships Cm D BS 4 out of 10
Gregory Benford Timescape N Cm BS 5 out of 10
David Brin Startide Rising H N LS 7 out of 10
Lois McMaster Bujold Paladin of Souls H N LF 8 out of 10
Orson Scott Card Speaker for the Dead H N LS 10 out of 10
Michael Chabon The Yiddish Policemen's Union H N LS 10 out of 10
P. Djèlí Clark A Master of Djinn N L1 Co 7 out of 10
Susanna Clarke Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell H WF M 8 out of 10
Neil Gaiman American Gods H N LF 7 out of 10
Neil Gaiman Anansi Boys LF M BF 9 out of 10
William Gibson Neuromancer H N D 7 out of 10
Joe Haldeman Forever Peace H N Cm 7 out of 10
Joe Haldeman The Forever War H N LS 7 out of 10
N.K. Jemisin The Stone Sky H N LF 9 out of 10
Mary Robinette Kowal The Calculating Stars H N LS 9 out of 10
Ursula K. Le Guin The Dispossessed H N LS 8 out of 10
Ursula K. Le Guin The Left Hand of Darkness H N O 8 out of 10
Vonda N. McIntyre Dreamsnake H N LS 7 out of 10
Larry Niven Ringworld H N LS 7 out of 10
Mary Doria Russell The Sparrow O Cl BS 8 out of 10
Jo Walton Among Others H N BF 10 out of 10
Martha Wells Network Effect H N LS 9 out of 10
Connie Willis All Clear H N LS 5 out of 10
Connie Willis Blackout H N LS 5 out of 10
Connie Willis Doomsday Book H N LS 8 out of 10
Brian W. Aldiss Helliconia Spring Cm BS
Charlie Jane Anders All the Birds in the Sky N LF 5 out of 10
Eleanor Arnason A Woman of the Iron People O M 6 out of 10
Isaac Asimov Foundation's Edge H LS 6 out of 10
David Brin The Postman LS Cm 4 out of 10
David Brin The Uplift War H LS 8 out of 10
John Brunner Stand on Zanzibar H BS 8 out of 10
Lois McMaster Bujold Barrayar H LS 6 out of 10
Lois McMaster Bujold Mirror Dance H LS 8 out of 10
Orson Scott Card Ender's Game H N 9 out of 10
Orson Scott Card Seventh Son LF M
C.J. Cherryh Cyteen H LS 10 out of 10
Arthur C. Clarke The Fountains of Paradise H N 8 out of 10
John Crowley Little, Big WF M 8 out of 10
Candas Jane Dorsey Black Wine O A 8 out of 10
Michael F. Flynn In the Country of the Blind L1 Co
Colin Greenland Take Back Plenty Cl BS
Joe Haldeman Camouflage N O 7 out of 10
Elizabeth Hand Waking the Moon O M
M. John Harrison Nova Swing D Cl
Frank Herbert Dune H N 8 out of 10
Robert Holdstock Mythago Wood WF BS
Nalo Hopkinson The New Moon's Arms A S
Barry Hughart Bridge of Birds WF M 9 out of 10
N.K. Jemisin The City We Became LF BS 7 out of 10
R.F. Kuang Babel N LF 7 out of 10
Ellen Kushner Thomas the Rhymer WF M 9 out of 10
Ann Leckie Ancillary Sword LS BS 9 out of 10
Fonda Lee Jade City WF A
Fonda Lee Jade Legacy LF A
Ursula K. Le Guin Tehanu N LF 9 out of 10
Ian R. MacLeod Song of Time Cm Cl
Arkady Martine A Desolation Called Peace H LS 8 out of 10
Arkady Martine A Memory Called Empire H Co 10 out of 10
Paul J. McAuley Fairyland Cm Cl 4 out of 10
Ian McDonald The Dervish House Cm BS 7 out of 10
Maureen F. McHugh China Mountain Zhang L1 O 8 out of 10
Patricia A. McKillip Ombria in Shadow WF M
Paul Melko Singularity's Ring L1 Co
China Miéville Iron Council LF Cl
China Miéville Perdido Street Station Cl BF 9 out of 10
China Miéville The Scar LF BF 9 out of 10
Michael Moorcock Gloriana WF Cm
Naomi Novik His Majesty's Dragon L1 Co 7 out of 10
Naomi Novik Spinning Silver LF M 8 out of 10
Tim Powers Last Call WF LF
Christopher Priest The Islanders Cm BS
Christopher Priest The Separation Cl BS
Adam Roberts Jack Glass Cm BS
Kim Stanley Robinson Blue Mars H LS 5 out of 10
Kim Stanley Robinson Green Mars H LS 6 out of 10
Kim Stanley Robinson Red Mars N BS 5 out of 10
Geoff Ryman The Child Garden Cm Cl
Sofia Samatar A Stranger in Olondria WF BF
Robert J. Sawyer The Terminal Experiment N A 2 out of 10
John Scalzi Redshirts H LS 7 out of 10
Dan Simmons Hyperion H LS 10 out of 10
Dan Simmons The Fall of Hyperion LS BS 8 out of 10
Michael Marshall Smith Only Forward D BF 9 out of 10
Neal Stephenson The Diamond Age H LS 7 out of 10
Sean Stewart Galveston WF S
Catherynne M. Valente In the Night Garden O M
Joan D. Vinge The Snow Queen H LS 6 out of 10
Vernor Vinge A Deepness in the Sky H Cm 8 out of 10
Vernor Vinge Rainbows End H LS 6 out of 10
Kate Wilhelm Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang H LS 5 out of 10
Connie Willis To Say Nothing of the Dog H LS 7 out of 10
Gene Wolfe The Claw of the Conciliator N LF 8 out of 10
Gene Wolfe The Shadow of the Torturer WF BS 8 out of 10
Gene Wolfe The Sword of the Lictor LF BF 7 out of 10

Ratings for books that don't have a review are based on my memory of the book. The rating may well change if I get a chance to read the book again.

Last spun 2024-05-15 from thread modified 2023-06-27